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Advancing your Scuba Skills and Rating

Advancing your Scuba Skills and Rating

Divetalking added under the Learning Tab an offer to Advance your scuba skills and rating. Looking to up your knowledge and skills while earning certifications? Reach out to me and together we will organize a plan to fulfill your goals. Click here to read more and to contact me to talk about your opportunities. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Article, Boats, Cameras, Computers, Dive Planner, Divetalking, Drift, Drysuits, Education, Instructor, Lionfish, Master Diver, ocean, Photography, RDP, Recreational Dive Planner, Reefs, Reference, Rescue, Scuba Training and related organizations, Sharks, Specialties, Springs, Training, Travel, Turtles, Videography, Whaleshark, Wrecks

WOW Tour Philippines 2019

It’s back by popular demand and better than ever. The World Of Wonder Tour Philippines 2019. There are so many sites we will be visiting. This is an active trip. Diving, sightseeing, cultural activities and more. Learn more by clicking on the image above. WOW     … Read entire article »

Filed under: Article, Boats, Cameras, Diver, Divetalking, Drift, Earth, Education, Events, Featured, ocean, Open Water, Philippines, Photography, Promotions, Reference, Sharks, Travel, Trip Invitations, Turtles, Whaleshark, Wrecks

Revolution – A must see. Rent or Buy your copy now

Yekra Player Yekra is a revolutionary new distribution network for feature films. Revolution Revolution is a feature documentary about opening your eyes, changing the world and fighting for something. A true life adventure following director Rob Stewart in the follow up to his hit Sharkwater, Revolution is an epic adventure into the evolution of life on earth and the revolution to save us.Discovering that there’s more in jeopardy than sharks, Stewart uncovers a grave secret threatening our own survival as a species, and embarks on a life-threatening adventure through 4 years and 15 countries into the greatest battle ever waged. Bringing you some of the most incredible wildlife spectacles ever recorded, audiences are brought face to face with sharks and cuddly lemurs, into the microscopic world of the pygmy seahorse, and on the hunt … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Article, Candidate, Conservation, Diver, Divetalking, Dolphin, Donation, Earth, Education, extinction, Featured, Lionfish, Manatee, Manta Rays, ocean, Open Water, Orca, Preservation, Products, Promotions, Recognition, Reefs, Reference, Sharks, Tuna, Turtles, Whales, Whaleshark

DEMA Show 2013 – Orange County Convention Center – Orlando Florida

DEMA Show 2012 saw four fantastic show days with thousands of people flooding the aisles of the exhibit hall which features hundreds of exhibits all dedicated to the diving, action watersports and travel industries. Mark your calendars for DEMA Show 2013, November 6-9 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. DEMA Show has gone mobile!  Click here to view event details, the floor plan and show specials on your mobile device. ATTENDEE        EXHIBITOR    MEDIA     FLOOR PLAN     FEATURES   HOTELS    REGISTRATION   About DEMA Show                 About DEMA                    Join DEMA Sponsors                                Show Floor                       Seminars Register                                  Book Hotel                       Contact Us Produced by DEMA, The Diving Equipment & Marketing Association Toll Free: (800)-862-3483 Phone: (858)-616-6108 Fax: (858)-616-6495 Email: 313 South Patrick Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Managed by National Trade Productions (NTP) Toll Free: (800)-687-7469 Phone: (703)-683-8500 Fax: … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Computers, Contest, Convention, Diver, Divetalking, Earth, Education, Events, Expo, Featured, ocean, Open Water, Photography, Products, Promotions, Rebreather, Reefs, Reference, Regulators, Report, Summit, Training, Travel, Videography, Whaleshark, Wrecks

Submit news worthy event for 1000’s to see

So you believe you have something that is publishable? Are you privileged to new that is currently happening or worthy event occurring in your area that you would like to share? Send your story or news to Our Master Editor will review your submission. Candidates submissions of events and news are reviewed my the Master Editor and any submission chosen is then sent to the Chief Editor. If the Editor in Chief likes your submission, we may contact you for further details and publish your story/news on Subjects submitted should be related to ocean awareness, conservation or local events yet can be any subject if related to water, fresh or salt. For example: Diver finds lost ship, or whales found offshore, turtles begin breeding, and so on. They can be a long time … Read entire article »

Filed under: 3D, Adv. Open Water, Artificial Reefs, Badge, Boats, Candidate, Cave, Cavern, Computers, Conservation, Convention, Dive Planner, Divemaster, Diver, Divetalking, Dolphin, Drift, Earth, Education, Emergency/FirstAid, Events, Expo, extinction, Featured, Fish, Grouper, Indonesia, Instructor, Insurance, Killer Whale, Lionfish, Manatee, Manta Rays, Master Diver, ocean, Open Water, ozone, Photography, Preservation, Products, Promotions, Quiz, RDP, Rebreather, Rebreathers, Recall, Recognition, Recreational Dive Planner, Reefs, Reference, Regulators, Report, Rescue, Rescue Diver, SeaLions, Sharks, Shrimp, Specialties, Springs, Stories, Summit, Training, Travel, Tuna, Turtles, Videography, Whales, Whaleshark, Wrecks

Interpol Issue Warrant For Paul Watsons Arrest

At the Request of Costa Rica, Interpol as issued a Red Notice for the arrest of Paul Watson, founder of Sea Shepherd organization. An organization whose efforts are to save the whales from Japanese Hunting. WATSON, PAUL FRANKLIN Legal status Present family name : WATSON Forename : PAUL FRANKLIN Sex : Male Date of birth : 02/12/1950 (61 years old) Place of birth : TORONTO , Canada Language spoken : English Nationality : Canada, United states   Offences Categories of Offences : Life and health, Fugitives, Life and health Wanted by : Costa rica   Read more at the Sea Shepards web site by clicking HERE Other articles describing the association of Costa Rica and Shark Finning Sharks, Drugs, Lies, and Corruption in Costa Rica February (1992): The Sea Shepherd II and the Edward Abbey depart from Key West, Florida, via the Panama Canal and bound for Cocos Island off the coast of Costa Rica. Upon arrival … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Conservation, Divetalking, Dolphin, Earth, Killer Whale, Open Water, Preservation, Recognition, Reefs, Reference, Report, Stories, Training, Whales, Whaleshark

Show your support by displaying Divetalkings official logo

Show your support by displaying Divetalkings official logo

Displaying the Official Divetalking Logo shows you are committed to marine life conservation, preservation and protection. Contact to have your high resolution logo emailed to you. Display it at your website. Print it on letter head and attach it to emails to let others know you are affiliated with the organization acting as the worlds protagonist in ocean conservation, protection and awareness. Become an official representative today. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Conservation, Dolphin, Earth, Featured, ocean, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Report, Rescue, SeaLions, Sharks, Shrimp, Stories, Training, Travel, Video, Volunteer, Whales, Whaleshark, Wrecks

Cozumel September 2011

In September 2011, a team of divers visited Cozumel Mexico. Our goal was many fold. We all arrived Saturday the 3rd except for one diver who arrives Sept. 1st and departed on the 5th, while the remaining departed Sept 10, 2011. Our first full day was dedidcated to vsiting and hopefully getting into the water wih Whale Sharks. Our Second day (9/5) was spent hunting and harvesting Lionfish and the evening consuming them, ceveche style, kabobed and fried. The ceveche style was my favorite. Had a slght reaction to the toxin which made my throat swell slightly. The feeling was like the tiny bones found in anchivies. I recovered a few days later… Wednesday Afternoon I spend diving with the Marine Park Services hunting and filming lionfish for a documentary, separate from … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Boats, Cavern, Drift, Events, Featured, Fish, Grouper, Instructor, Lionfish, Master Diver, Open Water, Photography, Reefs, Report, Sharks, Specialties, Stories, Travel, Trip Report, Videography, Whaleshark, Wrecks

Shark Conservation Sites

  Afri Oceans Bite Back C.O.A.R.E – Shark Safe Isla Guadalupe Fund Monterey Bay Aquarium Oceana Europe Sharks Oceana Sharks Oceanic Defense Pew Trusts Sharks PRETOMA S.A Shark Conservancy Save Our Seas Sharks Shark Alliance Shark Free Marinas Initiative Shark Legacy Project Honduras Shark Life Shark Protect Shark Specialist Group White Shark Trust Wildlife Conservation Society Wildlife Direct Kenya WWF Sharks … Read entire article »

Filed under: Conservation, Featured, Manta Rays, Reference, Report, Sharks, Whaleshark

Cozumel Lionfish and Whaleshark Expeditions + More

You are invited to join a group of divers on a number of expeditions September 3-10, 2011. The adventure begins Saturday September 3rd when you arrive on the island of Cozumel Mexico. Your all expense paid package includes an all inclusive week of 8 days, 7 nights hotel with meals and drinks, plus 10 dives. Sunday we are offering an all inclusive adventure to the whaleshark migration. This is an all day event where we shuttle over to the mainland and are brought up north to the boats to be shuttled out to locate migrating whalesharks. You will have the opportunity to get into the water an film the majestic creatures and they feed and migrate. You are then brought to an island where we will enjoy a delicious lunch before heading back to Cozumel. Monday offers an opportunity … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Boats, Cavern, Diver, Drift, Events, Featured, Fish, Lionfish, Master Diver, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Sharks, Specialties, Travel, Trip Invitations, Videography, Whaleshark

The Day All The Sharks Died

This is a short story from the book Shark Trouble by Peter Benchley in 2002 The Day All the Sharks Died by Peter Benchley Once upon a time, there was a seaside village whose people lived in harmony with nature. They made their living from the sea. They caught fish on the reef that protected the village from the full fury of ocean storms. They gathered clams and oysters, mussels and scallops from the bays and coves and inlets. Some they ate themselves; some they sold to the people in other towns and villages, from whom they bought necessities like light bulbs and clothing and radios and refrigerators and fuel for their boats and cars. Their biggest business, which employed the most people and brought … Read entire article »

Filed under: Reefs, Reference, Report, Sharks, Stories, Whaleshark

Death of a Deity

A short by Joe Romeiro. Every year, millions of sharks are intentionally slaughtered. Humans are their own worse enemies. Become involved and reject the practice of commercial harvesting of shark, legal or illegal. Learn what you can and are willing and help spread the word. Also read the article The Day All the Sharks Died by Peter Benchley, written in 2002. An interesting perception and observation 10 years ago and how the reality of that perception is being proven true, today. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Featured, Reference, Sharks, Uncategorized, Video, Whaleshark

Divetalking looking for experienced contributors

Divetalking is looking for individuals experienced in all things related to the ocean to be experienced contributors to Divetalking. This could be dive professionals who would like to contribute their experiences on techniques, videographers who would like to share their must knows and how to’s. Marine Scientists, biologists, research members and so forth on field observations and studies, artifacts hunters. Any topic that is water and marine related is needed. There are a lot of resources out in the minds of experienced individuals and Divetalking is looking for contributions from anyone willing to spend the time sharing their knowledge and experiences so that others may learn from them. It doesn’t matter what the subject is as long as it relates to our world oceans. With your help and contributions, we can make … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Artificial Reefs, Boats, Cave, Cavern, Divemaster, Diver, Drift, Emergency/FirstAid, Events, Featured, Fish, Grouper, Instructor, Lionfish, Manatee, Manta Rays, Master Diver, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Rebreathers, Reefs, Reference, Report, Rescue Diver, Sharks, Specialties, Stories, Training, Travel, Videography, Volunteer, Whales, Whaleshark, Wrecks

Lionfish & Whaleshark Expeditions Invitation

Divetalking is hosting an Expedition to film and document on the subjects Lionfish and Whale Sharks September 3-10, 2011. During the week, three Lionfish Expeditions are planned, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, to film the harvesting of lionfish. Divetalking has opened up opportunities for individuals to participate in one, two or all three expeditions. Spots have been reserved for up to 8 divers per expedition and are assigned on a first come first serve basis. Participation in  the expedition provides you with first hand experience managing the harvesting of lionfish. Any and all harvested lionfish will be consumed for an evening dinner, which is included in the expedition price. Also included is a lionfish cookbook. On the day of your lionfish expedition we start with a briefing on identifying lionfish, approach, spear or corral the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Boats, Cavern, Drift, Events, Featured, Lionfish, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Reefs, Specialties, Training, Travel, Trip Invitations, Videography, Whaleshark

Lionfish and Whaleshark Expeditions September 3-10, 2011

September 3 – 10, 2011 I will be visiting Cozumel to create a documentary on the subject of Lionfish. Lionfish I am opening the Lionfish expedition up to individuals who have a need to experience Lionfish handling and would like to experience the consumption of any lionfish caught the day of your expedition. Your time will begin with about a 1 hour introduction to the nature of Lionfish, where they are from, what they mean to the local environment, techniques for safely handling. We will then proceed to the boat, heading to locations to begin the hunt for the lionfish. The days diving ends with the proper handing to clean and prepare the lionfish caught that day for consumption. Yes, you will be eating any lionfish caught that day. A lionfish cookbook … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Artificial Reefs, Boats, Cavern, Divemaster, Diver, Drift, Events, Featured, Fish, Instructor, Master Diver, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Sharks, Specialties, Training, Travel, Trip Invitations, Videography, Whaleshark, Wrecks

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