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Lionfish Harvest Charter Program

Program Overview Goal: The FWC Lionfish Control Team is asking for assistance from Florida’s divers and dive charter businesses to increase lionfish harvesting efforts . The program aims to incentivize dive  charters to conduct lionfish-specific harvesting trips in an effort to increase the number of lionfish removed from Florida waters. To read more about how to apply for this program, click Requirements & Application Ready to purchase your lionfish hardvesting equipment? Click here to be taken to Zookeeper … Read entire article »

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Sunken Conservation

Sunken Conservation Three mini stories showing the efforts to create, maintain reefs and the invasion of lionfish off Florida shores. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Aquatica, Artificial Reefs, Cameras, Conservation, Divetalking, Earth, Education, Featured, Fish, Lionfish, ocean, Preservation, Promotions, Recognition, Reefs, Turtles, Video

Revolution – A must see. Rent or Buy your copy now

Yekra Player Yekra is a revolutionary new distribution network for feature films. Revolution Revolution is a feature documentary about opening your eyes, changing the world and fighting for something. A true life adventure following director Rob Stewart in the follow up to his hit Sharkwater, Revolution is an epic adventure into the evolution of life on earth and the revolution to save us.Discovering that there’s more in jeopardy than sharks, Stewart uncovers a grave secret threatening our own survival as a species, and embarks on a life-threatening adventure through 4 years and 15 countries into the greatest battle ever waged. Bringing you some of the most incredible wildlife spectacles ever recorded, audiences are brought face to face with sharks and cuddly lemurs, into the microscopic world of the pygmy seahorse, and on the hunt … Read entire article »

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Florida Spiny Lobster Season – Things you need to know

Florida Spiny Lobster Season – Things you need to know

Before reading the article below, take the quiz to evaluate your knowledge on the rules and regulations for harvesting Spiny Lobster off Florida waters. Lobster Seasons: The spiny lobster sport season is July 30-31 (always the last consecutive Wednesday and Thursday in July).  The regular season begins August 6.  Unless exempt, a recreational saltwater fishing license and a lobster permit are required to harvest spiny lobster. Commercial harvest is not allowed during the sport season.   Florida Regulations: Spiny Lobster Sport … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Boats, Conservation, Diver, Divetalking, Earth, Education, extinction, Featured, Lobster, ocean, Open Water, Preservation, Reefs, Reference, Report, Spiny Lobster

Obama approves use of sonic cannons to explore for oil and gas off the Eastern Shore

The Obama administration has approved the use of sonic cannons to explore for oil and gas off the Eastern Shore. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management on Friday formally approved guidelines for using air cannons in the Atlantic Ocean from Florida to Delaware. Energy companies could buy new oil and gas leases and begin drilling in 2018 if they find profitable reserves. The guidelines are meant to protect endangered whales and other creatures from the loud noises and increased vessel traffic, but the government’s environmental impact study estimates that more than 138,000 sea creatures could be harmed. The decision opens an area of the eastern seaboard larger than two Californias to exploration for the first time in decades. … Read entire article »

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Hammerhead now under U.S. Federal protection under the Endangered Species Act.

    The federal government today listed four key populations of scalloped hammerhead sharks under the Endangered Species Act. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, for the first time in history, gave a shark species federal protections under the Endangered Species Act. The scalloped hammerhead shark is considered globally endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The species is targeted primarily for its fins but is also killed as “by-catch” in fisheries targeting other species. NOAA Fisheries listed scalloped hammerhead sharks inhabiting the Eastern Atlantic Ocean and Eastern Pacific Ocean as “endangered.” The agency listed scalloped hammerhead sharks living in the Central and Southwest Atlantic and Indo-West Pacific as the less-serious status of “threatened.” The federal agency declined to list scalloped hammerhead sharks that inhabit the Northwest Atlantic or Central Pacific. “This … Read entire article »

Filed under: Article, Conservation, Divetalking, Earth, Education, extinction, Featured, Fish, ocean, Preservation, Reference, Report, Sharks

Expansion of US marine protected zone could double world reserves

  By Matt McGrath Environment correspondent, BBC News The US plans to create the world’s biggest marine protected area (MPA) in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The White House will extend an existing protected area, known as the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument. Fishing and drilling would be banned from an area that could eventually cover two million sq km. The extended zone would double the world’s fully protected marine reserves. Rare species The Pacific Remote Islands Area is controlled by the US and consists of seven scattered islands, atolls and reefs that lie between Hawaii and American Samoa. Essentially uninhabited, the waters that surround these remote islands are home to a wide range of species including corals, seabirds, sharks and vegetation not found anywhere else in the world. In 2009, President Bush declared … Read entire article »

Filed under: Alert, Artificial Reefs, Conservation, Divetalking, Earth, Education, extinction, Featured, Fish, ocean, Preservation, Recognition, Reefs, Reference, Report

Florida Turns to Smartphone App in Battle Against Invasive Lionfish

Florida Turns to Smartphone App in Battle Against Invasive Lionfish

ORLANDO Fla. – Florida has a new phone app to help cull the invasion of its waters by the spiked lionfish, a venomous species that is devouring other fish and harming reef ecosystems. The state is home to more than 500 non-native species, but few as rampant in the wild as the marauding lionfish, which is fast-reproducing and has a voracious appetite. It preys on native fish such as yellowtail snapper, Nassau grouper and banded coral … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Conservation, Diver, Earth, Education, Featured, Lionfish, ocean, Preservation, Reefs, Reference, Report

Gulf Oil Spill

The Gulf oil spill is recognized as the worst oil spill in U.S. history. Within days of the April 20, 2010 explosion and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 people, underwater cameras revealed the BP pipe was leaking oil and gas on the ocean floor about 42 miles off the coast of Louisiana. By the time the well was capped on July 15, 2010 (87 days later), an estimated 4.9 million barrels of oil had leaked into the Gulf. The well was located over 5,000 feet beneath the water’s surface in the vast frontier of the deep sea—a permanently dark environment, marked by constantly cold temperatures just above  freezing and extremely high pressures. Scientists divide the ocean into at least three zones, … Read entire article »

Filed under: Article, Conservation, Earth, Education, ocean, Preservation

The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and its Aftermath

Prologue to The The Deepwater Horizon Spill 20 April 2010 began as a day of celebration for The Deepwater Horizon, a 9-year-old offshore semi-submersible drilling rig engaged in drilling a deep exploratory well 18,360 feet (5,600 m) below sea level, in approximately 5,000 feet (1,500 m) of water in the Gulf of Mexico. Located in the Macondo oil prospect in the Mississippi Canyon, a valley in the continental shelf, it was one of the 3,858 oil and gas platforms that dotted the coastline of the five States of the USA bordering the Gulf as on 20 April, 2010 (Figs. 1 & 2). Built by Hyundai Heavy Industries of South Korea, and owned and operated by the Swiss-based offshore-oil-drilling company Transocean, the rig was leased by oil company BP (ex British Petroleum) … Read entire article »

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Is it possible? 103 Y/O Orca… Sorry Seaworld.. Your professiona opinion is not accurate

  SeaWorld could be in trouble because of “Granny,” the world’s oldest known living orca. The 103-year-old whale (also known as J2) was recently spotted off Canada’s western coast with her pod — her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. But while the Granny sighting is thrilling for us, it’s problematic for SeaWorld. First of all, SeaWorld has claimed that “no one knows for sure how long killer whales live,” when simple figures or even living and thriving examples — like Granny — can give us a pretty good idea. The Whale and Dolphin Conservation project estimates that whales born in captivity only live to 4.5 years old, on average; many of SeaWorld’s orcas die before they reach their 20s. Perhaps because of their reduced lifespans, the whales are forced to breed continuously and at perilously young … Read entire article »

Filed under: Conservation, Divetalking, Earth, Education, extinction, Featured, Fish, Killer Whale, ocean, Orca, Preservation, Recognition, Reference, Report, Stories, Whales

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, FWC

  April, 2014 Commission Meeting Time: 8:30am each day Dates: April 15 – 17, 2014 Place: Florida Public Safety Institute 85 Academy Drive Havana, FL 32333 This meeting is open to the public   8:30 a.m., Wednesday, April 16, there will be a presentation on the subject of LIonfsh Lionfish – Lionfish are invasive marine species that pose a threat to native  marine species and ecosystems.  Three draft rules will be proposed to prevent further lionfish introductions and facilitate efforts to remove these non-native predators.  Harvest by divers using either spearing gear or hand held nets is currently the primary means of lionfish population control. Persons diving by means of a rebreather are currently prohibited from harvesting any marine species in state waters.  A proposed draft rule would create an exception to allow persons using rebreathers to harvest lionfish.  In addition, there are several … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Divetalking, Earth, Education, extinction, Featured, Fish, Lionfish, ocean, Preservation, Rebreather, Reefs, Reference, Report

Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v. Japan: New Zealand intervening) – Judgment of 31 March 2014

  Today, The International Court of Justice ruling regarding Japanese whaling in the south seas is illegal. “Japan shall revoke any existant authorisation, permit or licence granted in relation to Jarpa II [research programme] and refrain from granting any further permits in pursuance to the programme,”  Peter Tomka, International Court of Justice’s Judge said on Monday. Since 1988 Japan has slaughtered more than 10,000 whales. A victory for the whales and all those who stood to protect them. April 2013, Japan announced its haul from the Southern Ocean was at a record low by “unforgivable sabotage” by activists from the environmental group, Sea Shepherd. Here is the link to the findings It chronilogically outlines the compant, and the courts findings. … Read entire article »

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California Lawmaker to Propose Ban on Orcas in Captivity

If passed, the bill would be the most comprehensive protection law for captive orcas in the United States in more than 40 years.   By David Kirby David Kirby has been a professional journalist for 25 years. His third book, ‘Death at Seaworld,’ was published in 2012. full bio follow me In a surprising move that is sure to send shock waves across the entire captive whale and dolphin industry, a California lawmaker will propose legislation to outlaw Shamu shows at SeaWorld San Diego. State Assemblymember Richard Bloom, D–Santa Monica, will introduce Friday the Orca Welfare and Safety Act, which would make it illegal to “hold in captivity, or use, a wild-caught or captive-bred orca for performance or entertainment purposes.” The bill would also ban artificial insemination of captive killer whales in California and block … Read entire article »

Filed under: Alert, Conservation, Divetalking, Dolphin, Earth, Education, extinction, Featured, Killer Whale, ocean, Orca, Preservation, Recognition, Reefs, Reference, Report, Training, Whales

6 Ways You Can Help Save Captive Killer Whales Right Now

If you’ve ever wondered what one person can do for caged orcas, this is for you.   By David Kirby David Kirby has been a professional journalist for 25 years.   ‘What Can I Do?’   Ever since my book Death At SeaWorld was released, nearly a year ago, I have received countless emails from concerned readers, who were so disturbed by the lives of killer whales in glass and concrete tanks owned by powerful corporations that they wanted to do something to help. But how? Emily Vargo, a Spanish teacher from Maryland, for example, told me about how her father, a former SeaWorld employee, who is now “very critical of the treatment of park animals,” read her excerpts from the book. “I cried and asked him to stop—I couldn’t take it!” she wrote. “I just wanted to write … Read entire article »

Filed under: Alert, Article, Conservation, Divetalking, Dolphin, Earth, Education, extinction, Killer Whale, ocean, Orca, Preservation, Recognition, Reefs, Reference, Report

Dolphin Slaughter Fueled by Illegal Shark Trade

Dolphin Slaughter Fueled by Illegal Shark Trade

Posted by Alexis Manning in Ocean Views on October 24, 2013 Dolphins in Peru are having their lives cut short as fishermen take to the seas, illegally harpooning and killing the animals in order to harvest their skin for shark bait. Sharks are a profitable commodity to fishermen, as their meat has long been considered an expensive delicacy in Asia, and now, a new report by the investigative group and conservation NGO Mundo Azul suggests that this … Read entire article »

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