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Divetalking » Entries tagged with "conservation"

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Show your support by displaying Divetalkings official logo

Displaying the Official Divetalking Logo shows you are committed to marine life conservation, preservation and protection. Contact to have your high resolution logo emailed to you. Display it at your website. Print it on letter head and attach it to emails to let others know you are affiliated with the organization acting as the worlds protagonist in ocean conservation, protection and awareness. Become an official representative today. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Conservation, Dolphin, Earth, Featured, ocean, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Report, Rescue, SeaLions, Sharks, Shrimp, Stories, Training, Travel, Video, Volunteer, Whales, Whaleshark, Wrecks

$10,000 reward in sea lion killings

By staff A group best known for fighting off whalers has joined federal investigators looking into the recent killings of sea lions near Seattle, offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of whoever is responsible. Another sea lion was found dead over the weekend, adding to seven others found in recent weeks with bullet wounds. A harbor seal was also found dead. Federal officials planned to examine the latest sea lion on Tuesday to determine if it, too, had been shot. ——————————————————————————– The latest sea lion found was on the Nisqually River, south of Seattle, as were six of the other sea lions. “This is a violation of U.S. federal law and the person or persons responsible for these shootings must be apprehended and brought to justice,” Paul Watson, founder … Read entire article »

Filed under: Conservation, Featured, Reference, SeaLions

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