Clicky Entries tagged with "Narcosis" | Divetalking

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Divetalking » Entries tagged with "Narcosis"

Narcosis, the Great White is found

Narcosis, the Great White is found

This past weekend, Divetalking received texts containing two photographs of a diver, Tom Booker holding the Great White Narcosis. Narcosis was found in the Ginnie Springs. She is the cousin of Deco, the Great White that once lived in Ginnie Springs and has since migrated to and last seen in the Virgina area. Narcosis was last reported as being sited in January 2013.. 11 months later she is discovered once again. A third great White is located … Read entire article »

Filed under: Cavern, Contest, Diver, Divetalking, Featured, Open Water, Promotions, Recognition, Report, Sharks, Springs

Narcosis Found

On November, 18 2012 I receive a notice that Narcosis has been found. [singlepic id=818 w=320 h=240 float=center] Narcosis is a one foot female great white which lives in the Ginnie Cavern. She was introduced to Ginnie Springs in October, 2012 after her sister, Deco went missing. Narcosis is shy and will not bite. She hides in various locations within the Ginnie Spring. On this November day,  while diving the spring, John Kenney discovered Narcosis’ hiding place. Taking a picture to prove he has found her, the picture above as well as a video clip, which the discovery may be found a little over 4 minutes into the video. John had let Narcosis free to find a new hiding place within the Ginnie Cavern for the next adventurous diver to locate. Congratulations to John … Read entire article »

Filed under: Cavern, Contest, Diver, Divetalking, Events, Featured, Fish, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Recognition, Reference, Report, Sharks, Springs, Stories, Video

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