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Missing Diver in Cozumel on March 28, 2012 UPDATE

Missing Diver in Cozumel on March 28, 2012 UPDATE

As of this day, 18 April 2012 I sadly report the diver that went missing on March 28, 2012 at Santa Rosa, Cozumel Mexico has not be located. As divers, we are always concerned for the well being of our fellow divers. We like to remain updated of any cause so that we may apply what we learn to become safer divers. Please take the time to read the follow-up posts from divers that were … Read entire article »

Filed under: Diver, Featured, Open Water, Reefs, Reference, Report, Rescue, Travel

Missing Diver March 28, 2012 in Cozumel UPDATE

Missing Diver March 28, 2012 in Cozumel UPDATE

Click HERE to read original post. On March 29th, 2012 I received an email from a DM friend working the boats with Sand Dollar this morning regarding the missing diver off Santa Rosa. He writes: Today and Tomorrow will be the last days of rescue for the missing girl. I am sure she never made the surface, I told the captain 15 minutes after we couldn’t find her on the surface. We check other boats in … Read entire article »

Filed under: Diver, Emergency/FirstAid, Events, Featured, ocean, Open Water, Reefs, Reference, Report

Diver Lost in Cozumel March 28, 2012

On March 28, 2012 while diving Santa Rosa, Cristina Cassin fails to surface during an aborted dive. Currents have gotten strong and the dive was aborted. Upon surfacing, Cristina was not with the group. A call over the radio was made. Search and recovery is still occuring at this time. Here is the english translation for the link below. COZUMEL, March 28. – He lost a foreign tourist who was diving on the reef of Santa Rosa. The woman was with a group of divers when he made the sign that was to emerge to the surface, which he did, however, when the group ended the tour and got into the boat that carried them, the crew noticed that she was not . Escalante Genaro Medina, chief officer of Federal Maritime Ward (Remafe) of the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Boats, Diver, Featured, ocean, Open Water, Reference, Report, Rescue

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