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Hammerhead now under U.S. Federal protection under the Endangered Species Act.

    The federal government today listed four key populations of scalloped hammerhead sharks under the Endangered Species Act. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, for the first time in history, gave a shark species federal protections under the Endangered Species Act. The scalloped hammerhead shark is considered globally endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The species is targeted primarily for its fins but is also killed as “by-catch” in fisheries targeting other species. NOAA Fisheries listed scalloped hammerhead sharks inhabiting the Eastern Atlantic Ocean and Eastern Pacific Ocean as “endangered.” The agency listed scalloped hammerhead sharks living in the Central and Southwest Atlantic and Indo-West Pacific as the less-serious status of “threatened.” The federal agency declined to list scalloped hammerhead sharks that inhabit the Northwest Atlantic or Central Pacific. “This … Read entire article »

Filed under: Article, Conservation, Divetalking, Earth, Education, extinction, Featured, Fish, ocean, Preservation, Reference, Report, Sharks

My Shark Brief – Cay Sal Banks Bahamas

It has been a few years since I’ve visited Cay Sal Banks, Bahamas. Since Nekton closed it doors, finding a suitable organization that can provide the accommodations and amenities to live comfortably for a week is difficult. I have visited Cay Sal Banks three times. The Cay Sal Banks contains the highest number of blue holes anywhere in the world. My first two visits to Cay Sal was just to dive. I was not into UW Video or Photography, as I am today. The last time I visited Cal Sal, 2009 I brought my HD UW Video rig along to film the sharks. The first two visits, the variety and abundance of sharks was impressive. To be in the water with sharks swimming all around you, some skimming over your head by … Read entire article »

Filed under: Earth, Education, ocean, Preservation, Reefs, Reference, Report, Sharks, Stories, Trip Report, Video

Stop the sale of Shark in a bottle

Stop the sale of Shark in a bottle

It has just come to our attention, sharks are being sold in a bottle. This is not a new thing from what we are finding. Yet today, after growing in knowledge and understanding of the need to protect what we humans feel we may neglect, it is imperative that we voice our objection to the commercialization and industrialization through proliferation of a species to its extinction. Here is one example:   eBay Please do not let this happen, ANYWHERE. Contact … Read entire article »

Filed under: Alert, Earth, Featured, Fish, Indonesia, ocean, Reefs, Report, Rescue, Sharks

Shark Fishing Banned in the Bahamas

Many beach visitors cannot get past the image of the shark as a ravenous man-eater, but not scuba divers. For divers, sharks are graceful, powerful creatures and more often viewed with a sense of awe rather than fear. Shark diving has become a major attraction for scuba divers around the world, and the shark diving capital is probably the Bahamas. In a move to secure a tourism gold mine that earns the Atlantic island chain about $80 million a year, the Bahamas have banned all shark fishing from their national waters. Shark diving is a major fixture of scuba diving in the Bahamas. Most of these shark dives are centered on attracting large numbers of relatively harmless black tip and Caribbean reef … Read entire article »

Filed under: Report, Sharks

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