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Dolphin Slaughter Fueled by Illegal Shark Trade

Dolphin Slaughter Fueled by Illegal Shark Trade

Posted by Alexis Manning in Ocean Views on October 24, 2013 Dolphins in Peru are having their lives cut short as fishermen take to the seas, illegally harpooning and killing the animals in order to harvest their skin for shark bait. Sharks are a profitable commodity to fishermen, as their meat has long been considered an expensive delicacy in Asia, and now, a new report by the investigative group and conservation NGO Mundo Azul suggests that this … Read entire article »

Filed under: Conservation, Divetalking, Dolphin, Donation, Earth, Education, extinction, Featured, Fish, ocean, Preservation, Reference, Report, Stories

Dolphin strandings in Mass

WELLFLEET, Mass (AP) — There’s no good spot on Cape Cod for dolphins to continue this winter’s massive and unexplained beachings, but a group of 11 has chosen one of the worst. The remote inlet down Wellfleet’s Herring River is a place where the tides recede fast and far, and that’s left the animals mired in a grayish-brown mud one local calls “Wellfleet mayonnaise.” Walking is the only way to reach the animals, but it’s not easy. Rescuers crunch through cord grass and seashells before hitting a grabby muck that releases a footstep only after a sucking pop. One volunteer hits a thigh-deep “hole” and tumbles forward. The mud covers his face like messy war paint the rest of the morning. Rescuers make a quick assessment once they reach the animals. One dolphin is … Read entire article »

Filed under: Dolphin, Featured, ocean, Open Water, Reference, Report

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