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Advancing your Scuba Skills and Rating

Advancing your Scuba Skills and Rating

Divetalking added under the Learning Tab an offer to Advance your scuba skills and rating. Looking to up your knowledge and skills while earning certifications? Reach out to me and together we will organize a plan to fulfill your goals. Click here to read more and to contact me to talk about your opportunities. … Read entire article »

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Missing diver Cozumel, MX

Missing diver Cozumel, MX

Lost diver by playa rocks in Cozumel. Missing diver in Cozumel. Cozumel.- Cameron Donaldson, Sports Diver with extensive experience based on the island was reported missing by his own mother with whom he was diving this afternoon through the area of playa las rocks, North of the city. Port authorities coordinated by the ensar of the secretariat of Marina (Semar) Armada of Mexico already lead the search for it, although the alert was passed to anyone who … Read entire article »

Filed under: Alert, Diver, Divetalking, Donation, Emergency/FirstAid, Featured, Report, Rescue, Stories

Submit news worthy event for 1000’s to see

So you believe you have something that is publishable? Are you privileged to new that is currently happening or worthy event occurring in your area that you would like to share? Send your story or news to Our Master Editor will review your submission. Candidates submissions of events and news are reviewed my the Master Editor and any submission chosen is then sent to the Chief Editor. If the Editor in Chief likes your submission, we may contact you for further details and publish your story/news on Subjects submitted should be related to ocean awareness, conservation or local events yet can be any subject if related to water, fresh or salt. For example: Diver finds lost ship, or whales found offshore, turtles begin breeding, and so on. They can be a long time … Read entire article »

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Save Manta Rays – Sign the Petition – Make 2013 The beginning to the end

[singlepic id=838 w=320 h=240 float=center] [singlepic id=836 w=320 h=240 float=center] Save Manta Rays World Leaders making 2013 the year for Manta Rays??? Posted by Greg Heighes (cause leader) Tell your friends about this Share this Note [singlepic id=837 w=320 h=240 float=center] Sir Richard Branson, Her Deepness Sylvia Earle and the Ocean Elders have joined the crusade to protect manta rays in 2013. The OceanElders are trying to get every country in the world to ban the wholesale slaughter of giant manta rays. Richard Branson does “The Manta” On Richard Branson’s personal blog, he explains that in 2013, “our attention will focus on the way we are destroying the ocean”. This is an important year for manta rays. Later this year countries around the world will vote whether to list mantas on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. This will be an … Read entire article »

Filed under: Conservation, Divetalking, Donation, Earth, Education, Events, extinction, Featured, Fish, Manta Rays, ocean, Preservation, Promotions, Rescue, Training

Important ** Please Read ** The Cove

The Cove Click HERE to watch Sign the Petition. Spread the Word. We are just shy of our petition goal! Once we hit half a million signatures, we will take our petition to President Obama, Vice President Biden, the Japanese Ambassador to the U.S., the Prime Minister and Minister of Health in Japan. The more people who sign, the more impact we’ll have. Sign the petition below and encourage your friends to take part. The Cove: Sign the Petition Help Save Japan’s Dolphins … Read entire article »

Filed under: Conservation, Divetalking, Dolphin, Donation, Earth, Education, extinction, Featured, Fish, Preservation, Reference, Report, Rescue

Argentines plan to shoot gulls to save the whales

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — What began as bizarre bird behavior has turned into something out of a horror film for threatened whales in Argentina, where seagulls have learned that pecking at the whales’ backs can get them a regular seafood dinner. Seagull attacks on southern right whales have become so common now that authorities are planning to shoot the gulls in hopes of reducing their population. Environmentalists say the plan is misguided and that humans are the real problem, creating so much garbage that the gull population has exploded. Both sides agree that the gull attacks in one of the whales’ prime birthing grounds is not only threatening the marine mammals, but the region’s tourism industry as well, by turning whale-watching from a magical experience into something sad and gruesome. Seagulls around the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Conservation, Divetalking, Education, extinction, ocean, Preservation, Reference, Report, Rescue, Stories, Whales

Show your support by displaying Divetalkings official logo

Show your support by displaying Divetalkings official logo

Displaying the Official Divetalking Logo shows you are committed to marine life conservation, preservation and protection. Contact to have your high resolution logo emailed to you. Display it at your website. Print it on letter head and attach it to emails to let others know you are affiliated with the organization acting as the worlds protagonist in ocean conservation, protection and awareness. Become an official representative today. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Conservation, Dolphin, Earth, Featured, ocean, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Report, Rescue, SeaLions, Sharks, Shrimp, Stories, Training, Travel, Video, Volunteer, Whales, Whaleshark, Wrecks

Stop the sale of Shark in a bottle

Stop the sale of Shark in a bottle

It has just come to our attention, sharks are being sold in a bottle. This is not a new thing from what we are finding. Yet today, after growing in knowledge and understanding of the need to protect what we humans feel we may neglect, it is imperative that we voice our objection to the commercialization and industrialization through proliferation of a species to its extinction. Here is one example:   eBay Please do not let this happen, ANYWHERE. Contact … Read entire article »

Filed under: Alert, Earth, Featured, Fish, Indonesia, ocean, Reefs, Report, Rescue, Sharks

Missing Diver in Cozumel on March 28, 2012 UPDATE

Missing Diver in Cozumel on March 28, 2012 UPDATE

As of this day, 18 April 2012 I sadly report the diver that went missing on March 28, 2012 at Santa Rosa, Cozumel Mexico has not be located. As divers, we are always concerned for the well being of our fellow divers. We like to remain updated of any cause so that we may apply what we learn to become safer divers. Please take the time to read the follow-up posts from divers that were … Read entire article »

Filed under: Diver, Featured, Open Water, Reefs, Reference, Report, Rescue, Travel

Diver Lost in Cozumel March 28, 2012

On March 28, 2012 while diving Santa Rosa, Cristina Cassin fails to surface during an aborted dive. Currents have gotten strong and the dive was aborted. Upon surfacing, Cristina was not with the group. A call over the radio was made. Search and recovery is still occuring at this time. Here is the english translation for the link below. COZUMEL, March 28. – He lost a foreign tourist who was diving on the reef of Santa Rosa. The woman was with a group of divers when he made the sign that was to emerge to the surface, which he did, however, when the group ended the tour and got into the boat that carried them, the crew noticed that she was not . Escalante Genaro Medina, chief officer of Federal Maritime Ward (Remafe) of the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Boats, Diver, Featured, ocean, Open Water, Reference, Report, Rescue

Death of a good friend, my captain, Bill Newman

I was browsing my sent emails, cleaning up and came across this. Bringing tears to my eyes, I spend many consecutive weekends offshore with Bill. Man he knew the spots and placed you right on top of the wrecks. When you dropped in and hit the bottom, the objects were always right there. I miss Bill, his boat Seabeast. The memories will live my lifetime. Diver’s death investigated; friend says gas mix is crucial By DANA TREEN The Times-Union,  As investigators continued looking into the death of an experienced Jacksonville dive instructor and charter operator Saturday, a close friend on the boat when he died said his friend was using a sophisticated mix of gases that might be to blame. An autopsy today of William David Newman, 40, will determine whether the mixture that allows … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Artificial Reefs, Boats, Divemaster, Diver, Emergency/FirstAid, Events, Instructor, ocean, Open Water, Reference, Report, Rescue, Stories, Trip Report Confirms New Policy to Ban Sale of Whale and Dolphin Products

On March 2, 2012, Divetalking posted Petition Amazon To Ban the sale of Whale/Dolphin Today, Internet giant has now officially banned the sale of all whale and dolphin products from its wholly owned Japanese website, following global outrage that these products were offered for sale. Amazon confirmed the prohibition on its main website by adding language under the Food and Beverage section that prohibits “Products containing shark, whale, or dolphin” and Amazon’s Japanese website contains a similar ban on selling whale and dolphin products. The Environmental Investigation Agency and Humane Society International revealed last month that Amazon Japan not only sold products from endangered and protected whale species, but also products containing dangerous levels of mercury. In response, Amazon withdrew all whale products from Amazon Japan within 24 hours, but declined to … Read entire article »

Filed under: Conservation, Earth, Events, Featured, ocean, Reference, Report, Rescue, Whales

Petition Amazon To Ban the sale of Whale/Dolphin

Last week, public outcry forced to pull over one hundred whale and dolphin meat products from its Japanese site. Consumers were outraged that the world’s largest online retailer supported the killing of whales and dolphins — and listened. But now, is refusing to put a permanent ban in place to protect these animals in the future. Melissa Sehgal, an customer, is in Taiji, Japan — the site of an annual dolphin hunt that was exposed in the documentary The Cove. Every day she is witnessing how dolphins are captured and killed, and she wants to help stop it. That’s why Melissa started a petition calling on Amazon to never again sell meat from dolphins and whales. Click here to sign Melissa’s petition asking to permanently ban whale, dolphin, and porpoise meat … Read entire article »

Filed under: Conservation, Dolphin, Events, Featured, ocean, Promotions, Report, Rescue, Whales

Diver Rescues Killer Whale

A scuba diver in New Zealand diver has rescued an orca, commonly known as a killer whale, he found trapped in a fisherman’s rope. New Zealand media report the whale had become entangled in a rope attached to a crayfish trap off the coast of Coromandel Peninsula. Diver Rhys Cochrane said the whale did not seem to mind when he swam down to cut the rope and said it swam away quickly once it was freed. He said several other whales had watched from a distance. New Zealand orca expert Ingrid Visser watched the video Cochrane had taken of the experience. She said whales are smart enough to know when you are trying to help them. Visser said she could see bite marks on the whale, indicating other whales had tried to free it. Visser … Read entire article »

Filed under: Diver, Events, Featured, Killer Whale, ocean, Open Water, Reference, Report, Rescue, Video, Whales

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