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WOW Tour Philippines 2019

It’s back by popular demand and better than ever. The World Of Wonder Tour Philippines 2019. There are so many sites we will be visiting. This is an active trip. Diving, sightseeing, cultural activities and more. Learn more by clicking on the image above. WOW     … Read entire article »

Filed under: Article, Boats, Cameras, Diver, Divetalking, Drift, Earth, Education, Events, Featured, ocean, Open Water, Philippines, Photography, Promotions, Reference, Sharks, Travel, Trip Invitations, Turtles, Whaleshark, Wrecks

WOW Tour Presents – Cozumel Mexico 2017

Only THREE spots remain. Space is limited. If you know anyone that may be interested, please share   This year, the 15th year of traveling to Mexico, I have arranged an array of activities. Diving is the primary activity this trip. You arrive Cozumel December 16, 2017. You will be shuttled from the Cozumel Airport to arrive the condo no earlier than 3pm where you will begin to meet other guests as they arrive. That afternoon, evening, as a group is you choose, you may head to the local store to pickup any food supplies you require to make your week comfortable. That evening, the group may decide to go out to eat or remain at the condo. You are free to do what you desire. The next morning we are off to the marina … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Cavern, Divetalking, Education, Events, Featured, Lionfish, Lobster, ocean, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Sharks, Spiny Lobster, Travel, Trip Invitations, Wrecks

LionFish Hunt off Jacksonville Fl. July 29, 2012

Join Offshore Dive Charters on a Lion Fish Hunt @ the Artificial Reef: DryDock [singlepic id=744 w=640 h=480 float=center] Two Dives on the Casablanca, One dive on BR Ferry and One dive on the Huggins,  4 tanks, Deep Dives (approx 110 feet), must be Advanced and will need nitrox. Have your lionfish gear ready because they are there…..Need a puncture resistant gloves, pole spear, EMT shears, and either a bag or tube system that doesn’t allow penetration and a stringer (if you are going to cut off the spines under water – but this does take MORE time) [singlepic id=743 w=320 h=240 float=center] [singlepic id=781 w=320 h=240 float=center]   The Casablanca is 327 foot long LST landing craft, hull number CVE 55, was built by Kaiser S.B. Company in Vancouver, Washington. She was originally built as the Alazon Bay, … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Boats, Divetalking, Events, Lionfish, Master Diver, Open Water, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Report, Trip Invitations, Wrecks

ScubaExtreme 2012 Annual Manatee Trip

email ScubaExtreme … Read entire article »

Filed under: Cavern, Drift, Events, Manatee, Promotions, Travel, Trip Invitations

New Years Day Dive at Ginnie Springs

Divetalking would like to invite you to dive New Years Day at Ginnie Springs. Bring Friends and Family and come on out and spend the first day of the new year diving. Register for the event and allows me and those attending know you are coming and the number of people. Please bring a dish to share with the others and we’ll make this a day of diving and fun, spending it together. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas Larry … Read entire article »

Filed under: Events, Trip Invitations

Paradise Springs December 17, 2011

December 17, 2011 will be the last day I dive in the US in 2011. I am heading to Paradise Springs, Saturday Decembr 17, 2011. Paradise Springs is located in Ocala, Florida. It is one of my favorite springs. Nice small opening to get in but once you are in the cavern is huge. Depth is around 100 feet before entering into the cave. 140 in the cave. This is a cavern only invitation to dive this beautiful site. If you have never been and would like to dive with a seasoned diver of this site, please plan on attending by being at the site by 8:00AM Saturday December 17, 2011. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach me at or visit the contact page at divetalking and phone … Read entire article »

Filed under: Cavern, Events, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Travel, Trip Invitations, Videography

Mermaids and Manatees with ScubaExtreme

I was just reviewing some of my videos and came across this one, [xr_video id=”c82ab39ed42f48d7abd0540998b0ebd7″ size=”md”] Manatees are such beautiful creatures. Look at the interaction the little one gave and love to have. Rolling over to have its belly rubbed. You can sense the feelings and emotions they have and the experience of being in the water and having one appoach ‘you’ for interaction is unforgettable. Once you do this you are connected for life and got to love them. The season for manatee interaction is approching fast and January will be here before you know it. Thinking of a gift to share with someone, emai, follow the link Scuba Extreme Adventure Sports & Travel, call (904) 269-8021 or come by for more info and to sign up. Once you do this, you’re hooked.   … Read entire article »

Filed under: Events, Manatee, Photography, Promotions, Trip Invitations, Videography

Friday dives at Blue Grotto, Williston Fl

Want to work off that meal from thanksgiving? A number of divers are headed to Blue Grotto this Friday Nov. 25. to work off the meal we just finished from Thanksgiving. Come on out and scare the crocs and yourself. The turtles fine and so is the vis, cause I bet we’ll be the only three out there… Hope to see ya there.   … Read entire article »

Filed under: Cavern, Events, Featured, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Trip Invitations

Blue Grotto, Williston Fl. 11/27/2011

For those who are in reach of this dive site, a team of Divetalking divers are heading to Blue Grotto Sunday Nov 27, 2011 to enjoy the peace and the visibility that come to the springs this time of year. If you are available and willing to dive with us, please plan on joining us this Sunday Nov 27, 2011 at Blue Grotto in Williston Fl. We should be arriving shortly after 8AM. Look for the Black Toyota Tundra with the messed up bumpber. The Divetalking team will be setting up and hitting the spring as soon as eveyone present is suited up and ready to go. We plan to perform a couple of dives, shoot some film, hit the bottom and get narced out on Nitrox. If it’s been awhile … Read entire article »

Filed under: Cavern, Diver, Events, Featured, Master Diver, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Report, Trip Invitations, Videography

Pacific Paradise – Palau – November 20-28

Palau live aboard opportunity. Please join me on a pacific adventure. One of the best regions in the world to dive. Book before Sept 3, 2011 and you may save $700 off the charter rate. Contact me here ~ Rates are based on double occupancy. ~ All prices quoted USD. ~ Rates are subject to change without notice. ~ Single Supplement rate is 1½ times the charter rate  if an individual traveler prefers a private room “Master” staterooms are larger and can have different configurations depending on the yacht. They can have a double      bed, a queen or 2 singles that make into a queen (couples preferred). “Deluxe” staterooms have a double bed and one single bunk. “Twin” staterooms have two single bunks (singles preferred) and share a bathroom with one other stateroom. “Quad” staterooms have four single bunks … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Boats, Diver, Events, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Reefs, Travel, Trip Invitations, Videography, Wrecks

Cozumel Lionfish and Whaleshark Expeditions + More

You are invited to join a group of divers on a number of expeditions September 3-10, 2011. The adventure begins Saturday September 3rd when you arrive on the island of Cozumel Mexico. Your all expense paid package includes an all inclusive week of 8 days, 7 nights hotel with meals and drinks, plus 10 dives. Sunday we are offering an all inclusive adventure to the whaleshark migration. This is an all day event where we shuttle over to the mainland and are brought up north to the boats to be shuttled out to locate migrating whalesharks. You will have the opportunity to get into the water an film the majestic creatures and they feed and migrate. You are then brought to an island where we will enjoy a delicious lunch before heading back to Cozumel. Monday offers an opportunity … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Boats, Cavern, Diver, Drift, Events, Featured, Fish, Lionfish, Master Diver, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Sharks, Specialties, Travel, Trip Invitations, Videography, Whaleshark

Making It Count – May 2011

Putting It to Work: Who’s Using REEF Data, May 2011 By Christy Pattengill-Semmens, Ph.D., Director of Science Every month, scientists, government agencies, and other groups request raw data from REEF’s Fish Survey Project database. Here is a sampling of who has asked for REEF data recently and what they are using it for: -Researchers used data on yelloweye rockfish frequency of occurrence in the San Juan Islands in Washington to evaluate population status for the San Juan County Community Development and Planning Department. – The Tunicate Response Action Committee (TRAC) in Washington State evaluated data on three invasive tunicates that are included REEF’s Pacific Northwest program. – A scientist from Florida Fish and Wildlife requested data on yellowtail snapper populations in the Southeastern US to conduct analyses for a stock assessment.   The Faces of REEF: Member … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Artificial Reefs, Events, Fish, Grouper, Lionfish, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Reefs, Stories, Trip Invitations, Volunteer

Lionfish & Whaleshark Expeditions Invitation

Divetalking is hosting an Expedition to film and document on the subjects Lionfish and Whale Sharks September 3-10, 2011. During the week, three Lionfish Expeditions are planned, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, to film the harvesting of lionfish. Divetalking has opened up opportunities for individuals to participate in one, two or all three expeditions. Spots have been reserved for up to 8 divers per expedition and are assigned on a first come first serve basis. Participation in  the expedition provides you with first hand experience managing the harvesting of lionfish. Any and all harvested lionfish will be consumed for an evening dinner, which is included in the expedition price. Also included is a lionfish cookbook. On the day of your lionfish expedition we start with a briefing on identifying lionfish, approach, spear or corral the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Boats, Cavern, Drift, Events, Featured, Lionfish, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Reefs, Specialties, Training, Travel, Trip Invitations, Videography, Whaleshark

Underwater Photography / Videography Cozumel 9/5-6/2011

  Lionfish and Whaleshark Expeditions September 3-10, 2011 If you are not interested in the Lionfish and/or Whaleshark Expeditions, I am offering the opportunity to attend a photographic and videographic course lasting two days. During this time you will be introduced to methods that will help you produce the best shots and/or video. Please Contact Larry with your interest and I will fill you in with the details. 9/3 – Saturday Arrival 9/4 – Sunday  Whaleshark – ALL DAY 9/5 – Monday  Lionfish AM / Photography/videography Deep Diving PM 9/6 – Tuesday Lionfish AM / Photography/videography Diving PM 9/7 – Wednesday Lionfish AM / Drift Diving PM 9/8 – Thursday Diving AM / Drift Diving PM 9/9 – Friday Cenote Diving AM / Off Gasing PM 9/10 – Saturday Depart … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Boats, Drift, Events, Featured, Photography, Training, Travel, Trip Invitations, Videography

Lionfish and Whaleshark Expeditions September 3-10, 2011

September 3 – 10, 2011 I will be visiting Cozumel to create a documentary on the subject of Lionfish. Lionfish I am opening the Lionfish expedition up to individuals who have a need to experience Lionfish handling and would like to experience the consumption of any lionfish caught the day of your expedition. Your time will begin with about a 1 hour introduction to the nature of Lionfish, where they are from, what they mean to the local environment, techniques for safely handling. We will then proceed to the boat, heading to locations to begin the hunt for the lionfish. The days diving ends with the proper handing to clean and prepare the lionfish caught that day for consumption. Yes, you will be eating any lionfish caught that day. A lionfish cookbook … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Artificial Reefs, Boats, Cavern, Divemaster, Diver, Drift, Events, Featured, Fish, Instructor, Master Diver, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Sharks, Specialties, Training, Travel, Trip Invitations, Videography, Whaleshark, Wrecks

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