Lionfish, It’s whats for dinner

[singlepic id=743 w= h= float=center] You’re just know hearing our this fish called a Lionfish. Perhaps you already know what a Lionfish is. Perhaps you have never harvested, or even tasted lionfish. So where do you find lionfish to eat? You can acquire the sumptuous delicacy by harvesting them yourself or from divers who do harvest. Perhaps stores in the area offer lionfish. What is becoming more popular is finding lionfish on the menu, at local restaurants around the … Read entire article »
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Lionfish workshops throughout the Southeast United States

Greetings Lionfish Enthusiasts! As part of our efforts to address the lionfish invasion to the western Atlantic, REEF received a grant from the US Fish and Wildlife Service Aquatic Invasive Species Program to organize and lead lionfish workshops throughout the Southeast United States. Workshop topics include background of the invasion, lionfish biology, ecological impacts, current research findings, market development, and ways to get involved, with an emphasis on safe collecting and handling tools and techniques. We have … Read entire article »
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Lionfish Facts

Pterois volitans Pterois miles The genus name, Pterois, pronounced (tare-oh-eese) is defined as “lionfish.” The word Pterois comes from the Greek word “pteroeis” meaning “feathered” or “winged” The species name, volitans, pronounced (vole-ee-tahnz), is Latin for “flying” or “hovering,” the complement of the Latin word “volitō,” which means “to fly” or “to hover.” The species name, miles, pronounced (mee-layz), is Latin for “soldiering,” the complement of the Latin word “mīlitō,” which means “to soldier.” They are so beautiful. I want … Read entire article »
Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Conservation, Diver, Divetalking, Earth, Education, extinction, Featured, Fish, Lionfish, ocean, Preservation, Recognition, Reefs, Report, Training
NE Florida Lionfish Derby, 2013

[singlepic id=965 w=320 h=240 float=center] It was Friday August 23, 2013 and we met at Nippers for the required Captains Meeting. The room was filled with guest speakers and participants from all across Florida and part of Georgia. It would be the last opportunity to signup and participate in the Derby with awards as high as $1500.00 going to the team with the most lionfish. During the evening, speakers Walt Quinn (2013 Derby Director and proprietor), … Read entire article »
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Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission 2013 Lionfish Summit

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission announces the FREE 2013 Lionfish Summit. [singlepic id=949 w=320 h=240 float=center link=] Click on the logo to register and for more information Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 1:30 PM – Thursday, October 24, 2013 at 12:30 PM (EDT) Cocoa Beach, FL … Read entire article »
Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Divetalking, Earth, Education, Events, Featured, Fish, Lionfish, ocean, Preservation, Reefs, Reference, Summit
Lionfish Found at Disturbing Depths
by Megan Gannon, News Editor Live Science The relentless scourge of lionfish has crept to unexpected depths: Off the coast of Florida, researchers say they found the venomous invader thriving around a sunken ship at 300 feet (91 meters) below the water’s surface. [singlepic id=945 w=320 h=240 float=right] “We expected some populations of lionfish at that depth, but their numbers and size were a surprise,” researcher Stephanie Green, of Oregon State University, said in a statement. Last month, Green and colleagues investigated the seafloor near Fort Lauderdale, Fla., in a deep-diving Antipodes sub. At 300 feet (91 m) deep, the team witnessed a large number of the spiny fish near the intentionally sunken Bill Boyd cargo ship, an artificial reef created in 1986. [See Photos of Lionfish & Other Freaky Fish] While lionfish are typically … Read entire article »
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Lionfish prove to be formidable component to sharks
Jeanna Bryner, Managing Editor Live Sciences The invasive lionfish is native to the Indo-Pacific region, though has been eating its way through reefs of the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, scientists are finding. With no effective predators, fishing by humans may be the only way to control the population, say scientists. CREDIT: Abel Valdivia [singlepic id=743 w=320 h=240 float=left] The eye-catching red lionfish is eating its way through Caribbean reefs, and nothing, not even a toothy shark, seems able to stop the voracious fish, a new study finds. “Lionfish are here to stay, and it appears that the only way to control them is by fishing them,” said researcher John Bruno, professor of biology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The research, detailed online July 11 in the journal PLOS ONE, focused on … Read entire article »
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Belize to export invasive species, lionfish
9th July 2013, Placencia, Belize – Along Belize’s world heritage site-listed barrier reef, coastal communities are making waves in fight against a rapacious predator. At 11am on Tuesday, 2 July, the first box of filleted invasive lionfish left Belize international airport bound for Minneapolis, Minnesota. Its contents: 5.2 kg of the invasive lionfish, Pterois volitans, a species that poses one of the greatest threats to the sustainability of coral reefs and fisheries throughout the Caribbean region. [singlepic id=941 w=320 h=240 float=left] First released accidentally into the Caribbean near Florida by aquarists in the 1980s, the predatory fish from the Indo-Pacific has no natural predators in the Atlantic, and an exploding population is steadily eating its way across the entire Caribbean Sea. From the Bahamas to Barbados, coral reefs – and the traditional fisheries they … Read entire article »
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Lionfish Blast – Are you in or out?
Hi Everyone, Capt.Dan here we are going to do two weekends for the Lion Fish Hunt I will be giving away a free $100 dive trip for who ever gets the most. Come April 13 and April 20. The trips will cost $150 you can bring 4 tanks everyone needs to be advance diver. 110 to 115 will be the deepest. So give me a call 904-463-3236. [singlepic id=925 w=320 h=240 float=center] We are almost 1/2 way into the April month and the Lionfish Blast is well underway. We have some good numbers coming in and more days to beat those number and try to earn the top spot and the $500 award. Capt. Dan Lindley has dedicated his boat for the next two weekends to support the event. Visit Offshore Dive Charter at … Read entire article »
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Northeast Florida Lionfish Blast Tournament 2013
TISIRI is at it again! Leading the Northeast Florida Lionfish Blast Tournament coming this March, through April 2013 to NE Florida. The invasive lionfish epidemic in the western Atlantic is an ever growing problem. Northeast Florida is no exception, and if you follow our efforts at TISIRI you know we routinely attempt to harvest lionfish from our local reefs. Unfortunately, lionfish populations are so prolific more effort is needed in hope to have an effect on the detriment the species is causing. In an effort to encourage as much manpower as possible to harvest lionfish, a tournament awarding attractive prizes will be held throughout the month of April 2013. The event is called the Northeast Florida Lionfish Blast and is open to lionfish hunters offshore the coast of Jacksonville and St. Augustine. … Read entire article »
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Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, FWC – Lionfish
[singlepic id=819 w=320 h=240 float=left] [singlepic id=820 w=320 h=240 float=left] [singlepic id=821 w=320 h=240 float=left] [singlepic id=822 w=320 h=240 float=left] Above are pages from a recently published pamphlet by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, FWC. Stop by your local dive shop to pick up your copy. FWC References: Lionfish – Pterois volitans News Releases Lionfish (Pterois volitans, Pterois miles) Frequently Asked Questions Harvesting and Reporting Lionfish … Read entire article »
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Recreational Use of Artificial Reefs Contributes $253 Million to Six Florida Counties
By: Michelle Klug Many Floridians and visiting tourists enjoy the crystal blue waters that provide sunny days of fishing, diving and leisure time. Researchers have found that popular boating destinations are the artificial reefs that have been built around Florida. Artificial reefs attract locals and tourists alike, pulling in $253 million to six Florida counties in one year, as well as providing habitat for sealife. These infrastructures are built using man-made materials such as concrete blocks, tires, PVC piping, old sunken ships or sunken oil rigs. They provide a habitat for an array of algae, coral, fish and shellfish, as well as preventing erosion. IFAS researcher Bob Swett and his team investigated the economic impact artificial reefs provide, as well as who is using the reefs and what components are generating economic profit … Read entire article »
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Reminder: Lionfish Derby Palm Beach Shores, Florida
Lionfish Derby: A Lionfish Derby is Aug. 18 out of Sailfish Marina in Palm Beach Shores. Teams of up to four people collect lionfish while scuba diving or free diving. Entry fee is $150 per team and more than $3,000 in cash prizes will be awarded for the most, biggest and smallest lionfish. The captains meeting is 6:30 p.m. Aug. 17 at Sailfish Marina. To register, visit or call 305-852-0030. … Read entire article »
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Divers targeting lionfish on Florida reefs
It’s open season on invasive lionfish on the reefs of Florida and the Bahamas. By SUSAN COCKING On her first-ever scuba diving adventure on the colorful coral reefs and blue holes south of Eleuthera in the Bahamas, underwater photographer Maggie Martorell of Hollywood immediately noticed something was missing. “Where are all the little tropical fish?” Martorell wanted to know. The reef looked healthy; stands of mountainous star coral jutted up from the ocean floor, interspersed with tangled branches of staghorn. Soft corals, such as sea whips and sea fans, undulated with the gentle current. A few groupers swam around the entrance to a marine cave that descended into darkness in the middle of the reef tract. But Martorell was alarmed by what she didn’t see — convict-striped sergeant majors busily patrolling the reef to protect … Read entire article »
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