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Aditech unveils MVH-FS100 housing for the Sony NEX-F100 camcorder

[singlepic id=797 w=320 h=240 float=none] Aditech recently unveiled the Mangrove housing for the Sony NEX-F100 camcorder. The MVHS-FS100 features a new scontrol system that uses the camera’s LANC control and gives access to 32 camera functions, including manual white balance. The controls are all accessed via 12 external push buttons and give user feedback via the camera’s touch screen. Also featured is a 3.5″ rear mounted monitor. Retail price: €2,538.14 and is depth-rated to 200m/660 feet. [singlepic id=798 w=320 h=240 float=none] New MANGROVE housing for SONY NEX-FS100. 29/07/2012. Aditech is proud to announce the lunching of the new Mangrove housing MVHS-FS100 for the Sony camcorder NEX-FS100. The housing’s front case is constructed from marine grade aluminium, machined, anodized and the rear case is machined from solid Delrin, it features a state of the art LANC … Read entire article »

Filed under: Divetalking, Featured, Photography, Products, Promotions, Reference, Video Equipment, Videography

New Housings from Amphibico for Red Epic and Scarlet X Cameras

Amphibico releases new Rouge housing for RED Scarlet X and Epic cinema cameras Amphibico have announced the release of their new Rouge underwater housing for the RED Scarlet X and Epic cinema cameras. [singlepic id=795 w=320 h=240 float=left] This ground breaking project has been the most ambitious project that Amphibico has undertaken in the past 10 years. We are proud to announce and present the new Rouge underwater housing for the RED Scarlet X and Epic cinema cameras. [singlepic id=796 w=320 h=240 float=right] Amphibico’s development team has excelled to a new level, by using dual electronic Amphibi-grips® and menu control panel. This will allow the user access to all the important key controls of the camera keeping in mind total ergonomics and underwater balance. Most of those who are familiar with Amphibico’s products will know … Read entire article »

Filed under: 3D, Featured, Photography, Products, Reference, Report, Video Equipment, Videography


divetalking and tritonshall have traded links. Visit tritonshall for articles related to the field of diving and all things related. … Read entire article »

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Red IMAX Camera

Here is what I would like to own next: RED Red’s Epic Red Cameras I know there is someone out there that would donate a couple of these cameras along with the Underwater Housings for the RED ONE (Gates) to help me get out in the ocean and begin documenting with the best resolution as possible, that would be tremendously helpful. Cost would average for both cameras, accessories and housings about $200,000. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Video Equipment, Videography

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