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New Housings from Amphibico for Red Epic and Scarlet X Cameras

Amphibico releases new Rouge housing for RED Scarlet X and Epic cinema cameras


Amphibico have announced the release of their new Rouge underwater housing for the RED Scarlet X and Epic cinema cameras.

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This ground breaking project has been the most ambitious project that Amphibico has undertaken in the past 10 years. We are proud to announce and present the new Rouge underwater housing for the RED Scarlet X and Epic cinema cameras.

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Amphibico’s development team has excelled to a new level, by using dual electronic Amphibi-grips® and menu control panel. This will allow the user access to all the important key controls of the camera keeping in mind total ergonomics and underwater balance. Most of those who are familiar with Amphibico’s products will know that the housing construction quality and reliability is still the highest you could find in the industry. That is why Amphibico once again, is leading the way of technology and performance with underwater imaging.

The key features of the Rouge housing are as follows and the suggested retail price for the housing body is US$12,999:

– Designed for professional underwater use
– Practically no tools required to mount camera in housing makes for a quick topside ready camera in minutes.
– Full electronic control of the camera, with a state of the art control system, 14 Electronic push button controls on dual Amphibigrips® and a menu panel which provides direct access to operational camera functions such as Record, White Balance, Shutter Speed, ISO & Aperture at finger tip access.
– Easy access to camera navigation functions such as Menu, Up, Down, Right, Left & Select to change camera’s parameters.
– Access to various user define functions, to execute a number of the camera’s user keys & function keys.
– “REDMOTE NOT REQUIRED” All controls are on the grips
– Servo driven proportional Manual Focus wheel
– Servo driven proportional Manual Zoom wheel
– Servo driven Manual Iris wheel
– Power On/Off
– Rear view & top view window to use with the RED TOUCH 5.0″ LCD display
– Sensitive Hydrophone
– Water sensor alarm
– Stream lined positioned Tally light provided to inform your talent diver when camera is recording
– Bayonet Mounted Port System
– 4 auxiliary ports, supporting bulkhead connectors such as HDMI & HD-SDI outputs
– Optional External monitor ready
– Accepts compatible V-Mount batteries (RED Brick, Switronix XP-L95RED etc)
– Accessory mounting holes of various standard sizes underneath housing.
– Housing will accept the most popular lenses from Nikon, Canon as well as cinema PL mount lenses
– Perfectly balanced
– Most compact available in the industry
– Dimensions: 14.75″(37.5cm) Long x 9.75″(24.8cm) High x 14″(35.5cm) Wide

Suggested Retail Price $12,999USD for housing body only

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