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My Shark Brief – Cay Sal Banks Bahamas

It has been a few years since I’ve visited Cay Sal Banks, Bahamas. Since Nekton closed it doors, finding a suitable organization that can provide the accommodations and amenities to live comfortably for a week is difficult. I have visited Cay Sal Banks three times. The Cay Sal Banks contains the highest number of blue holes anywhere in the world. My first two visits to Cay Sal was just to dive. I was not into UW Video or Photography, as I am today. The last time I visited Cal Sal, 2009 I brought my HD UW Video rig along to film the sharks. The first two visits, the variety and abundance of sharks was impressive. To be in the water with sharks swimming all around you, some skimming over your head by … Read entire article »

Filed under: Earth, Education, ocean, Preservation, Reefs, Reference, Report, Sharks, Stories, Trip Report, Video

Indonesia 2012

The trip began on a Thursday, May 03, 2012. 24 hours later + 1 day (due to crossing over the international date line) I arrive in Indonesia. Saturday May 5, 2012 making my way from the airport to Lembah the trip was an experience. Cars zooming around motorcyclist, pedestrians skirting vehicles and vehicles dodging potholes. We reach the boat and are whisked off to the island where the hotel resides. Home for the next 7 days. Here is a short presentation of just a small number of photos I captured during the two weeks in Indonesia. [xr_video id=”434ea5a964bd42c8b17d2187f3f668fc” size=”md”] [nggallery id=43]   … Read entire article »

Filed under: Boats, Diver, Featured, ocean, Open Water, Photography, Reefs, Report, Stories, Travel, Trip Report

Show your support by displaying Divetalkings official logo

Show your support by displaying Divetalkings official logo

Displaying the Official Divetalking Logo shows you are committed to marine life conservation, preservation and protection. Contact to have your high resolution logo emailed to you. Display it at your website. Print it on letter head and attach it to emails to let others know you are affiliated with the organization acting as the worlds protagonist in ocean conservation, protection and awareness. Become an official representative today. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Conservation, Dolphin, Earth, Featured, ocean, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Report, Rescue, SeaLions, Sharks, Shrimp, Stories, Training, Travel, Video, Volunteer, Whales, Whaleshark, Wrecks

US tiger shrimp sightings worry scientists

US tiger shrimp sightings worry scientists

By JANET McCONNAUGHEY | Associated Press NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A big increase in reports of Asian tiger shrimp along the U.S. Southeast coast and in the Gulf of Mexico has federal biologists worried the species is encroaching on native species’ territory. The black-and-white-striped shrimp can grow 13 inches long and weigh a quarter-pound, compared to eight inches and a bit over an ounce for domestic white, brown and pink shrimp. Scientists fear the tigers will bring … Read entire article »

Filed under: Alert, Conservation, Fish, ocean, Reefs, Reference, Report, Shrimp, Stories

CGI of Titanic Sinking… 100 Years Ago

James Cameron and his team pull together a new CGI of how they believe the TItanic sank and reached the ocean floor. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Cave, Featured, ocean, Reference, Report, Stories, Videography, Wrecks

Death of a good friend, my captain, Bill Newman

I was browsing my sent emails, cleaning up and came across this. Bringing tears to my eyes, I spend many consecutive weekends offshore with Bill. Man he knew the spots and placed you right on top of the wrecks. When you dropped in and hit the bottom, the objects were always right there. I miss Bill, his boat Seabeast. The memories will live my lifetime. Diver’s death investigated; friend says gas mix is crucial By DANA TREEN The Times-Union,  As investigators continued looking into the death of an experienced Jacksonville dive instructor and charter operator Saturday, a close friend on the boat when he died said his friend was using a sophisticated mix of gases that might be to blame. An autopsy today of William David Newman, 40, will determine whether the mixture that allows … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Artificial Reefs, Boats, Divemaster, Diver, Emergency/FirstAid, Events, Instructor, ocean, Open Water, Reference, Report, Rescue, Stories, Trip Report

Think for a solution, then act

I was just reminded of a true story told to me years ago. I do not recall the source, but I have never forgotten the story. I tell it to every student diver I teach as a reminder of how we need to ‘act’ when underwater. Feel free to use it as an example with your students. Here’s the story: An astronaut was asked the following question: “If you were locked outside your capsule with 10 seconds of air remaining, What Would You Do?” The astronauts answer: “Think for a solution in the first 9 seconds, then act“ When underwater and faced with a challenge, where it be water up the nose, a regulator knocked out from your mouth, inhaling nothing but water, taking your next breath to find out there is NO air, etc… “Think for … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Cave, Cavern, Events, Instructor, Master Diver, ocean, Open Water, Reference, Report, Stories, Training

Astonishing discovery of ‘supergiant’ crustaceans made off New Zealand

By: Pete Thomas, There are ordinary amphipods, known to be mostly tiny shrimp-like crustaceans that thrive in aquatic environments around the world, and now there are “supergiant” amphipods, which are 10 times larger and, frankly, quite freakish-looking (see video and photo). British scientists made the remarkable discovery by accident while participating in a joint expedition with New Zealand scientists to probe the depths of the Kermadec Trench, north of New Zealand. Using a large metal trap outfitted with cameras, they’d hoped to haul up a species of deep-sea snailfish that had not been captured in more than 60 years. Instead they hauled up, from nearly 33,000 feet below, seven milky-white amphipods measuring to about 11 inches, or the size of small lobsters. (Ordinary amphipods barely exceed 1 inch.) Dr. Alan Jamieson, from the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Conservation, Fish, Reefs, Reference, Report, Stories

What Obama’s Government Reform Proposal Means for Our Oceans

By Michael Conathan On January 13, President Barack Obama announced his plan to implement a sweeping reorganization of the Department of Commerce by consolidating six agencies involved in trade and economic competitiveness. One unintended consequence of this reshuffling is that by redesigning the Commerce Department, we now must find a home for the agency that comprised more than 60 percent of its budget—the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, our nation’s primary ocean research agency. In a December 2010 report, “A Focus on Competitiveness,” John Podesta, Sarah Rosen Wartell, and Jitinder Kohli detailed why President Obama’s proposed restructuring makes sense for America. But it’s worth taking a closer look at how such a move would affect NOAA and in turn affect how we manage our oceans. The president’s plan would relocate NOAA … Read entire article »

Filed under: Open Water, Reefs, Reference, Report, Stories

Application allows one to track ocean wonderers

by Andrea Mustain, OurAmazingPlanet Staff Writer Whither do the great animals of the ocean wander? And when? Thanks to high-tech gadgetry and a decade of work, an answer has begun to emerge — one that has revealed two vast “grasslands” of the Pacific Ocean that rival the Serengeti in the riotous diversity of species that converge there, scientists say. In the largest study of its kind ever attempted, scientists affixed tracking tags to 23 of the ocean’s top predators and spied on their whereabouts — sometimes within a few meters accuracy and in real time — over the course of 10 years. The Tagging of Pacific Predators Project (TOPP) kicked off in 2000, and published its findings this week in the journal Nature. The project is part of the Census of Marine Life, … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Conservation, Fish, Reference, Report, Sharks, Stories, Whales

Airman Chelsea N. Westfall

I had the priviledge of diving with Chelsea and observed her finess. She has great form and diving ability and I look forward to diving with Chelsea in the near future. Chelsea graduated from the Air Force Basic MIlitary Training and is now station in North Carolina, just a few states North of me. I hope Chelsea can make the time to visit which I would then love to take her diving offshore or in our clear and natural springs. Air Force Airman Chelsea N. Westfall graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.  The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn … Read entire article »

Filed under: Photography, Reference, Stories

Mexico Dec. 22-31/2011

I start on my way to Orlando at around 6pm EST after making a stop at the dive shop to pick up some more goodies to take to Mexico. I made it to the Wyndham hotel on International drive at around 9:30. This is a nice hotel. Here are some pictures of my room and the view from my room. As I was driving south towards Orlando, I noticed the temperature my dive bag (that would be my Toyota Tundra) was displaying was going up. It was getting hotter outside. At 9:30 pm it was reading 73 degrees F outside. Sweet, I think. But I’m heading to Mexico and the weather for this week shows to be in the 80’s. What a way to spend the Christmas holidays… Diving!!! 🙂 My flight … Read entire article »

Filed under: Events, Photography, Reefs, Reference, Sharks, Stories, Travel, Trip Report, Videography

Cozumel September 2011

In September 2011, a team of divers visited Cozumel Mexico. Our goal was many fold. We all arrived Saturday the 3rd except for one diver who arrives Sept. 1st and departed on the 5th, while the remaining departed Sept 10, 2011. Our first full day was dedidcated to vsiting and hopefully getting into the water wih Whale Sharks. Our Second day (9/5) was spent hunting and harvesting Lionfish and the evening consuming them, ceveche style, kabobed and fried. The ceveche style was my favorite. Had a slght reaction to the toxin which made my throat swell slightly. The feeling was like the tiny bones found in anchivies. I recovered a few days later… Wednesday Afternoon I spend diving with the Marine Park Services hunting and filming lionfish for a documentary, separate from … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Boats, Cavern, Drift, Events, Featured, Fish, Grouper, Instructor, Lionfish, Master Diver, Open Water, Photography, Reefs, Report, Sharks, Specialties, Stories, Travel, Trip Report, Videography, Whaleshark, Wrecks

JRRT 25th Anniversary Dr. Quinton White

Dr. Quinton White. Professor of Marine Biology, Jacksonville University Jacksonville Florida. One of the original team members of the Jacksonville Reef Research Team speaks on the history, the memories, accomplishements of the team over its past 25 years of existance. [xr_video id=”e488a782f87d407db932d676a82dd418″ size=”md”]   … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Conservation, Events, Featured, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Report, Stories, Training, Videography, Volunteer

Shark Finning. A Must watch Video

Why and how have we as humans become so stupid and intentionally ignorant of what we are doing to this planet, to ourselves, our future. We have but one planet to live on. We have LIMITED resources yet we act as though we rule the world and can take what ever we want, do what ever we want. We know this is wrong. We know this needs to stop, yet the stress goes unchecked, not policed until the point of return has tipped to the point of no return. You have got to watch this video. It is a bit long yet sends a powerful message. Chef Ramsey records from Shark fining to consumption. Bravo for his efforts and for making this film. Pass this link on for other to watch. Help us help ourselves from destroying our future before it … Read entire article »

Filed under: Featured, Fish, Report, Sharks, Stories, Training, Video

Goldman Environmental Award 2010 PRETOMA

Shark Finning. Fact or Fiction? Should you be investing in Costa Rica tourism while this type of action is being conducted off of their shores? As divers, I believe we need to stand behind one another, in a movement and say ‘no’ trips to Costa Rica until the government steps up to the responsibility of protecting and preserving what belongs to the people of this planet. It’s all about the money. Where and when does it end? Watch this short film and judge for yourself. Shark Conservation Sites Shark Research Sites … Read entire article »

Filed under: Conservation, Featured, Sharks, Stories, Training

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