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Reef Environmental Education Foundation

With 2 weeks to go, we are two-thirds of the way toward reaching our goal of raising $60,000 in 60 days. Every dollar you donate will be doubled, and every donation makes a difference! Please help by donating through our secure website at, mailing your donation to REEF at PO Box 246 – Key Largo, FL 33037, or calling us at 305-852-0030. Double your donation and ensure REEF’s marine conservation programs can continue. Every gift matters, regardless of the size! Thank you to each of you who donated so far to our summer matching campaign, and thanks to the generosity of the Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation for matching your contributions! With donations from our members, we can continue to support programs that foundation and government funding no longer cover. Staff salaries and … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Conservation, Education, Events, ocean, Preservation, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Report, Training, Travel, Volunteer

Ultimate Diver Challenge – West Palm Beach, FL July 20-31, 2012

This years Ultimate Diver Challenge, UDC is being conducted in West Palm Beach, Florida July 20 – 31, 2012. Preliminary 2012  –  Ultimate Diver Challenge Schedule Day 1 – Friday, July 20 •08:00 PM  – Opening Ceremony  (Meet the Teams and Honorary Guests) TBD Day 2 – Saturday, July 21 •08:30 AM to 11:30 PM – (Fun Diving, Buoyancy and Equipment Check & Registration) •09:00 PM to 1:00 PM – “Discover Scuba” for Community (Blue Heron Bridge) •02:00 PM to 3:00 PM – Marine Life Clean Up Challenge Kick Off — Registration & Rule Review •03:30 PM to 5:00 PM – Photo Challenge Briefing •07:00 PM to 8:00 PM – Seminar 1 “Diving Like a Fish, not like an Ape” Scott Evans, NASE •08:00PM – Challenge One Briefing Day 3 – Sunday, July 22 •09:00 AM – Fun Diving AM/PM  Trips & … Read entire article »

Filed under: Contest, Diver, Divetalking, Events, ocean, Open Water, Promotions, Training, Travel

Indonesia 2012

The trip began on a Thursday, May 03, 2012. 24 hours later + 1 day (due to crossing over the international date line) I arrive in Indonesia. Saturday May 5, 2012 making my way from the airport to Lembah the trip was an experience. Cars zooming around motorcyclist, pedestrians skirting vehicles and vehicles dodging potholes. We reach the boat and are whisked off to the island where the hotel resides. Home for the next 7 days. Here is a short presentation of just a small number of photos I captured during the two weeks in Indonesia. [xr_video id=”434ea5a964bd42c8b17d2187f3f668fc” size=”md”] [nggallery id=43]   … Read entire article »

Filed under: Boats, Diver, Featured, ocean, Open Water, Photography, Reefs, Report, Stories, Travel, Trip Report

Show your support by displaying Divetalkings official logo

Show your support by displaying Divetalkings official logo

Displaying the Official Divetalking Logo shows you are committed to marine life conservation, preservation and protection. Contact to have your high resolution logo emailed to you. Display it at your website. Print it on letter head and attach it to emails to let others know you are affiliated with the organization acting as the worlds protagonist in ocean conservation, protection and awareness. Become an official representative today. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Conservation, Dolphin, Earth, Featured, ocean, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Report, Rescue, SeaLions, Sharks, Shrimp, Stories, Training, Travel, Video, Volunteer, Whales, Whaleshark, Wrecks

Missing Diver in Cozumel on March 28, 2012 UPDATE

Missing Diver in Cozumel on March 28, 2012 UPDATE

As of this day, 18 April 2012 I sadly report the diver that went missing on March 28, 2012 at Santa Rosa, Cozumel Mexico has not be located. As divers, we are always concerned for the well being of our fellow divers. We like to remain updated of any cause so that we may apply what we learn to become safer divers. Please take the time to read the follow-up posts from divers that were … Read entire article »

Filed under: Diver, Featured, Open Water, Reefs, Reference, Report, Rescue, Travel

Favorite place to dive

Favorite place to dive

If you had to choose just one place in the world, what place would you choose as your most favorite place to dive, and why?   … Read entire article »

Filed under: Earth, Featured, General Question, ocean, Open Water, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Travel

James Cameron Dives to deepest part of our ocean

James Cameron Dives to deepest part of our ocean

After 50 years since our last voyage to the deepest part of our planets ocean, James Cameron makes this trip again. Here are some clips and links related to this event. See and read more about this sub here Ker Than for National Geographic News At noon, local time (10 p.m. ET),James Cameron‘s “vertical torpedo” sub broke the surface of the western Pacific, carrying the National Geographic explorer and filmmaker back from theMariana Trench‘s Challenger Deep—Earth’s deepest, and perhaps most alien, … Read entire article »

Filed under: Earth, Events, Featured, Report, Travel

ScubaExtreme 2012 Annual Manatee Trip

email ScubaExtreme … Read entire article »

Filed under: Cavern, Drift, Events, Manatee, Promotions, Travel, Trip Invitations

Mexico Dec. 22-31/2011

I start on my way to Orlando at around 6pm EST after making a stop at the dive shop to pick up some more goodies to take to Mexico. I made it to the Wyndham hotel on International drive at around 9:30. This is a nice hotel. Here are some pictures of my room and the view from my room. As I was driving south towards Orlando, I noticed the temperature my dive bag (that would be my Toyota Tundra) was displaying was going up. It was getting hotter outside. At 9:30 pm it was reading 73 degrees F outside. Sweet, I think. But I’m heading to Mexico and the weather for this week shows to be in the 80’s. What a way to spend the Christmas holidays… Diving!!! 🙂 My flight … Read entire article »

Filed under: Events, Photography, Reefs, Reference, Sharks, Stories, Travel, Trip Report, Videography

Paradise Springs December 17, 2011

December 17, 2011 will be the last day I dive in the US in 2011. I am heading to Paradise Springs, Saturday Decembr 17, 2011. Paradise Springs is located in Ocala, Florida. It is one of my favorite springs. Nice small opening to get in but once you are in the cavern is huge. Depth is around 100 feet before entering into the cave. 140 in the cave. This is a cavern only invitation to dive this beautiful site. If you have never been and would like to dive with a seasoned diver of this site, please plan on attending by being at the site by 8:00AM Saturday December 17, 2011. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach me at or visit the contact page at divetalking and phone … Read entire article »

Filed under: Cavern, Events, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Travel, Trip Invitations, Videography

Cozumel September 2011

In September 2011, a team of divers visited Cozumel Mexico. Our goal was many fold. We all arrived Saturday the 3rd except for one diver who arrives Sept. 1st and departed on the 5th, while the remaining departed Sept 10, 2011. Our first full day was dedidcated to vsiting and hopefully getting into the water wih Whale Sharks. Our Second day (9/5) was spent hunting and harvesting Lionfish and the evening consuming them, ceveche style, kabobed and fried. The ceveche style was my favorite. Had a slght reaction to the toxin which made my throat swell slightly. The feeling was like the tiny bones found in anchivies. I recovered a few days later… Wednesday Afternoon I spend diving with the Marine Park Services hunting and filming lionfish for a documentary, separate from … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Boats, Cavern, Drift, Events, Featured, Fish, Grouper, Instructor, Lionfish, Master Diver, Open Water, Photography, Reefs, Report, Sharks, Specialties, Stories, Travel, Trip Report, Videography, Whaleshark, Wrecks

Scuba Extreme Adventure Sports & Travel

Scuba Extreme Adventure Sports & Travel It is the second annual Small Business Saturday, come show support for your local dive shop and remember everyone who comes in gets a FREE gift from us to show our appreciation! We will be in the store until 3:30 this afternoon. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Diver, Events, Featured, Instructor, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Report, Specialties, Training, Travel, Videography, Wrecks

Happy Thanksgiving from ScubaExtreme

Filed under: Featured, Open Water, Report, Training, Travel

Best Dive Job in the World 2012 – It’s here again!

Back by popular demand – The Best Dive Job in the World is here once again giving you the opportunity to change your life forever. WIN seven months training in Bali to become a SCUBA Instructor worth over USD25,000. If you are in any doubt as to how cool this prize is : Checkout the 2011 winner’s blog here: Kenzo Kiren! How can you enter? In order to win the “Best Dive Job in The World 2012” you need to answer the following question – “Why I want to change my life and become a PADI Instructor?” We want you to send us a one minute video or 500 word written entry answering that question. We are not looking to judge your technical ability in making videos; we are looking for character, style, charisma and … Read entire article »

Filed under: Events, Featured, Promotions, Training, Travel

Pacific Paradise – Palau – November 20-28

Palau live aboard opportunity. Please join me on a pacific adventure. One of the best regions in the world to dive. Book before Sept 3, 2011 and you may save $700 off the charter rate. Contact me here ~ Rates are based on double occupancy. ~ All prices quoted USD. ~ Rates are subject to change without notice. ~ Single Supplement rate is 1½ times the charter rate  if an individual traveler prefers a private room “Master” staterooms are larger and can have different configurations depending on the yacht. They can have a double      bed, a queen or 2 singles that make into a queen (couples preferred). “Deluxe” staterooms have a double bed and one single bunk. “Twin” staterooms have two single bunks (singles preferred) and share a bathroom with one other stateroom. “Quad” staterooms have four single bunks … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Boats, Diver, Events, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Reefs, Travel, Trip Invitations, Videography, Wrecks

Cozumel Lionfish and Whaleshark Expeditions + More

You are invited to join a group of divers on a number of expeditions September 3-10, 2011. The adventure begins Saturday September 3rd when you arrive on the island of Cozumel Mexico. Your all expense paid package includes an all inclusive week of 8 days, 7 nights hotel with meals and drinks, plus 10 dives. Sunday we are offering an all inclusive adventure to the whaleshark migration. This is an all day event where we shuttle over to the mainland and are brought up north to the boats to be shuttled out to locate migrating whalesharks. You will have the opportunity to get into the water an film the majestic creatures and they feed and migrate. You are then brought to an island where we will enjoy a delicious lunch before heading back to Cozumel. Monday offers an opportunity … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Boats, Cavern, Diver, Drift, Events, Featured, Fish, Lionfish, Master Diver, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Sharks, Specialties, Travel, Trip Invitations, Videography, Whaleshark

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