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I placed this post out under PADI (Professional Association of Dive Instructors) Discussion Topics area this morning.
Why are Instructors excluded from being a choice for students to select when registering/signing up elearning? a few years ago, PICs were available online
except for Instructors. Now elearning is online and ALL Teaching Status Instructors are
not listed as a contact for the prospective student.
Take the total number of Teaching Status Instructors there are in the database. Divide the number of IRRAs into that number and tell me if the quotent is a realistic number?
That number represents the number of instructors / IRRA. It’s over a 100 instructors / IRRA. What is the average number of Instructors / IRRA? Perhaps 10. Why is there such a deviation between the two numbers? Now, take that difference, open up elearning to ALL Teaching Status Instructors. The way I see it, more student = more instructors = more IRRA = More sales, etc.. Why the suppression?
As you may see, I am a little amazed at this trend PADI continues to travel. Historically, PADI unilaterally decides to exclude the Instructor from ALL PADI Promotions. The name PADI is an achronym for Professional Associate of Dive Instructors, Instructors! So as an Instructor, why am I again being excluded from a promotion?
I assure you, I am not alone with this thought. PADI will change when enough pressure comes to bear, not when logic and reason comes to mind. Unfortunately, we the Instructors do not have a say in PADI organization. I have never been asked.
The next movement will be to pair up the renew dates. Insurance renews in July. PADI renews in November. So if you want to teach through the summer months, you renew your Insurance.
In November when business slacks, if you plan on dropping PADI, you do not get a partitial refund of your insurance. So plan to write that off.
On the other side of this coin, there is another organization that has been growing, SDI TDI. When I saw one of their presentations at DEMA, 2008 I said WOW! It was the best of PADI x 2. The reason for their success is simple. They listen to and provide to their Instructors.
Check them out. If you are already an Instructor, cross over is easy and a nominal in investment.
Good luck
I’ve been checking facebook for a response. Non to date, Oct 21, 2010.
© 2010, lars2923. All rights reserved.
Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Boats, Cave, Cavern, Divemaster, Diver, Emergency/FirstAid, Events, Fish, Instructor, Master Diver, Open Water, Photography, Reefs, Reference, Report, Rescue Diver, Specialties, Training, Travel, Videography, Wrecks