Divetalking » Cavern, Open Water, Photography, Report, Trip Report » Paradise Springs Dec 17, 2011
Paradise Springs Dec 17, 2011
Today I visited Paradise Springs. I arrive at 7:55 to find the gate open. I drive up to the house to check in. I am asked “Do you have a dive buddy?” I answer ‘No.’ I am now told no solo diving in Paradise Springs. Bong! After a 2.5 hour drive, I can’t be the first in the water to take pictures, before it gets all silted up. So what do I do? I wait for other divers to arrive and while waiting, I get suited up in the dry suit, finish setting up the camera and chat with the owner. Then, at last, a vehicle with two divers drive up. I jump in my truck and head down at the site before the owner could blink.
It takes me about 15 minutes to get fully suited up and while finishing, the vehicle of divers arrive. We chat for a few minutes and they graciously offer to allow me some time in the hole before they get in, so that I may get some decent shots. I thanked them and worked my way down to the entrance.
After putting my fins, hood and mask on I grab the camera to begin down the shaft. As soon as I begin the overhead dive I notice the water is all silted out. What?!!! Has there already been a diver in the water? Had to be. It should have been clear.
I am beginning to think the divers that will follow me in will think I silted up the place. So I check the camera, take a few shots and begin down the shaft, into the large ball room. I am amazed at all the silt and hoping that it does not affect my pictures too much. It is not what I was hoping for but it will have to do.
I spent 30 minutes in the hole, alone and here are some of the pictures I was able to obtain during the 30 minutes.
I head back towards the exit, taking a few shots along the way to surface to mid 70 degree and blue skys.
As I begin to head up the train back to my vehicle, I meet the three divers on their way down and assure them that the silting was not due to me… They joke about how the vis will be low cause of that other diver (me) and the wink and will stick to my story that it was that way when I entered…
I did not perform a second dive but stayed on the surface chatting with other divers that slowly showed up. I packed by gear and head home. This was my last dive in the U.S. for 2011. I head to Mexico Dec. 22, due to return Dec 31. There is a New Years Dive scheduled. VIsit New Years Day Dive at Ginnie Springs and click on Register to let us know you’re going.
© 2011, admin. All rights reserved.
Filed under: Cavern, Open Water, Photography, Report, Trip Report
Great shot. I want to dive there. Thanks for the visual. Enjoy Mexico. Merry Christmas.