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Narcosis, the Great White is found

This past weekend, Divetalking received texts containing two photographs of a diver, Tom Booker holding the Great White Narcosis.


Narcosis was found in the Ginnie Springs. She is the cousin of Deco, the Great White that once lived in Ginnie Springs and has since migrated to and last seen in the Virgina area.

Narcosis was last reported as being sited in January 2013.. 11 months later she is discovered once again. A third great White is located somewhere in the Morrison Springs. Morry is Morrison Springs resident Great White.

To see this tame Great Whites, you must visit either of the springs mentioned and look for them. They are shy and will likely be hiding in a crevasse, beneath rocks, tucked into crack in the ceiling, almost anywhere you can image. So look for them and should you find one, get a picture of yourself with the Great White and send the pictures to

Don’t forget to place the shark in a new secret location within the spring for others to enjoy the adventure of looking for one of Divetalkings Great Whites, hidden within the springs.

Congratulations to Tom Booker for this long time waiting discovery.

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Founder and Master Moderator of Divetalking.

Filed under: Cavern, Contest, Diver, Divetalking, Featured, Open Water, Promotions, Recognition, Report, Sharks, Springs · Tags: , ,

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