Divetalking » Entries tagged with "logo"
Open Water Fan Sends Photos with Divetalking Logo
Today, Divetalking received the following pictures from an Open Water fan of Divetalking. Here is a picture of our logo pasted on the back window of his truck! Thanks Mac for sending in the pictures… … Read entire article »
Filed under: Badge, Diver, Divetalking, Featured, Logo, Open Water, Photography, Products, Promotions, Reference, Report, Training
Look for the Divetalking Logo
[singlepic id=242 w=320 h=240 float=center] As you travel the world, visiting sites, staying at resorts or live-aboards, look for the Divetalking Logo proudly being displayed. [singlepic id=445 w=320 h=240 float=center] When you see the Divetalking Logo proudly displayed, it tells you the operator you are with is acting as a liaison, policing the waterways and ocean, working with Divetalking as a supporter of marine conservation, education, and a supporter for the care and maintenance of our oceans, reefs and aquatic life. Having the Divetalking Badge displayed tells you the operator is trusted by and working in cooperation with Divetalking, that Divetalking has found the operator to be true and committed to marine conservation, preservation and education and is committed to the highest standards which one can obtain to qualify to display the badge. The … Read entire article »
Filed under: Badge, Candidate, Conservation, Divetalking, Education, extinction, Logo, Preservation