Clicky Entries tagged with "Fundraising" | Divetalking

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Divetalking » Entries tagged with "Fundraising"

Reef Environmental Education Foundation

We are approaching the end of our Summer Fundraising Campaign and we are very close to reaching our goal of raising $60,000 in 60 days. We greatly appreciate the support that so many of you have given. If you haven’t yet donated, we hope you will make a donation to help push us over the edge. Every donation received will be doubled because of generous support from the Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation, and your donation will make the difference in REEF reaching our fundraising goal! You can donate securely online at, mail your donation to REEF at PO Box 246, Key Largo, FL 33037, or call us at 305-852-0030. Your donation is vital, as REEF relies on individual contributions to fund our marine conservation efforts. Our programs not only educate the public about the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Conservation, Divetalking, Education, Featured, Lionfish, ocean, Open Water, Preservation, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Volunteer

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