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Manatees with Dr. Quinton White

Last night I attended a presentation on the subject of Manatees. Though I live in Florida and Florida has manatees, the subject covered the Florida manatees as well as manatee sightings around the globe. In the pictures are Dr. Quinton White.

Subject were very informative and kept me drawn into the slide presentation as well as the information being passed onto the audience.

For example, a comparison of population growth during warm water vs. hour of light. Temperature follows hours of light. What was displayed were graphs which depicting the occurrence of  population growth during longer daylight hours as well as an increase in water temperature. The graph displayed both equally, yet temperature showed a slight delay when compared to the light hours.

Here is the link to the Jacksonville University Marine Science Web site.

Last month, TISIRI team members present Dr. Quinton White with marine creatures acquired earlier that day right from our ocean, offshore Jacksonville. Here is a link to Dr. Quinton placing one of the starfish brought back for the University’s salt water tank.

Here are a couple of videos I made while snorkeling with the manatees.

This video is a mother and her calf. The calf played with us. Like an innocent child just wanting to do what feels good, playing. You can see mother fall to the bottom in this video. The two talked to each other. The mother remained settled on the floor while the calf played with us. You could imagine what they were saying. Mother to calf: Don’t wonder off. Calf to mother: Maaom!

[xr_video id=”c82ab39ed42f48d7abd0540998b0ebd7″ size=”sm”]

This next video is at a different location. Both videos were made at Crystal River, Florida. Wonderful creatures to interact with. You can sense their intelligence.

[xr_video id=”7928ea4883a64792a2fcdd568deb2083″ size=”sm”]

To learn more about the Florida Manatee, please visit FWC Florida Manatee website

To report an injured, dead, harassed or orphaned Manatee
Call:  1-888-404-FWCC (3922)
Cellular phone *FWC or #FWC



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Founder and Master Moderator of Divetalking.

Filed under: Boats, Events, Manatee, Reference, Report

One Response to "Manatees with Dr. Quinton White"

  1. Bill says:

    Nice. I enjoyed diving with them last winter.

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