Divetalking » Alert, Featured » DANGER *** DANGER *** STAY AWAY FROM
Ever heard of them?
I have spend over three weeks trying to get my money back and they have not submitted any artwork per my order.
They submitted their first rendition of artwork for review. Upon review of this artwork, it wasn’t even close to what I submitted.
Because the artwork they submitted for review was so far off from my original order, I wrote them asking them to clarify what they received is what I submitted (It was not).
I sent them an email reply with the screen shots of their website showing the text I filled in the blanks and an example graphic artwork. (Yes, I took screen shots because I felt something like this would happen and also to have it for future reference. It looks like it came in handy this time)
They resubmitted only two (the contract reads 8) new artwork which again was not what I asked for. Not even close.
We have been going back and forth in emails since. Since the time I placed my order to right now, I have not received any revisions and have received nothing but flack, to why they will not refund my money.
In fact they want me to pay for an upgrade, which I refuse to pay based on the customer service, or lack there of as well as my confidence and trust that paying them more will get me what I am looking for with the evidence they couldn’t produce from the beginning anything resembling what I requested. They should have screen the order, asked for clarification BEFORE submitting any work for your review.
Here is the kicker.. They are telling me they will not refund my money because I requested a revision. How does one request a revision on artwork that does not resemble what was submitted?
All I have been doing, over and over and over in numerous emails is reiterate my original request. Nothing more. When I have enough of the back and forth, I requested a refund.
Do you feel that since they responded with artwork, they made a statement of understanding of work and now have the responsibility to commit to completing what they started?
I have the email thread if anyone is interested in a copy to make sense of this post which I will forward to you at your request.
So the gist of what I’ve been told is if you choose to use logoinn and after their first submission for review, if you do not approve of that first submission IMMEDIATE REQUEST A REFUND. DO NOT SUBMIT ANY COMMENTS OR STATEMENT THAT WOULD HAVE THEM BELIEVE THEY ARE TO MAKE A REVISION. SIMPLY REQUEST A REFUND.. You can then submit a new order and start over and repeat this cycle… What a ridiculous situation.
My recommendation is STAY AWAY FROM LOGOINN and find another art company to do your work..
Please pass the word…
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