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7 Days Left in Summer Matching Campaign

Reef Environmental Education Foundation

There are only 7 days left in our Summer Fundraising Campaign, and we have an additional $10,000 to raise in order to reach our goal! REEF Board of Trustees and Staff send out a big thank you to all of those who have already donated.

If you haven’t yet had a chance, please donate today – either through our online secure donate form (, or by calling REEF HQ at 305-852-0030.

Don’t forget that every contribution gets matched dollar for dollar by the Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation! So double your donation today and help us meet our goal of raising $60,000 in 60 days. Support from members like you have made it possible for REEF to fill data gaps in our understanding of marine ecosystems. We hope you are having a great summer and thank you again for your continued support!

Paul Humann

President, REEF Board of Trustees

P.S. REEF is a registered 501(c)(3) U.S. charity and all donations are 100% tax-deductible. Don’t forget to ask your employer about matching your gift to REEF. Please call our office for more information, or to make your donation by phone at (305) 852-0030.

Photo credits: Ned DeLoach (lionfish, Caribbean surveyor), Brice Semmens (Nassau grouper), Pete Naylor (PNW surveyor).

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Founder and Master Moderator of Divetalking.

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Fish, Lionfish, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Report, Volunteer

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