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Divetalking » Open Water, Training, Video, Videography » Ginnie Springs

Ginnie Springs

Dec 5, 2009. A team of Open Water Divers, their instructor, Divemaster Candidate
and myself, with video camera made a trip to Ginnie Springs to continue with
open water training. It was a perfect day for diving. Cold outside and water
temps at 72 degrees. It was warmer in the water than out. There was no one
at Ginnie, except a small number of divers. Perhaps 12 divers in all and we had
7 of the 12.  I figured either it was too cold for people to go diving or the
Gators game that started at 4pm was the reason. Which ever, we got to dive
AND listen to the game on the ride home. Great students!
Here is a small clip from that day.
[xr_video id=”2acc4e18627a4da29e137a89fb964469″ size=”sm”]

Larry Davis

© 2009 – 2010, lars2923. All rights reserved.

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PADI MSDT - I've been a diver for over 33 years. I became an instructor because I want to be creditable and able to transfer my knowledge and skills to newer divers. Beside, it cuts down on the expense of diving. NOT! My Motto: First in, Last out

Filed under: Open Water, Training, Video, Videography

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