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Revolution – A must see. Rent or Buy your copy now

Yekra Player Yekra is a revolutionary new distribution network for feature films. Revolution Revolution is a feature documentary about opening your eyes, changing the world and fighting for something. A true life adventure following director Rob Stewart in the follow up to his hit Sharkwater, Revolution is an epic adventure into the evolution of life on earth and the revolution to save us.Discovering that there’s more in jeopardy than sharks, Stewart uncovers a grave secret threatening our own survival as a species, and embarks on a life-threatening adventure through 4 years and 15 countries into the greatest battle ever waged. Bringing you some of the most incredible wildlife spectacles ever recorded, audiences are brought face to face with sharks and cuddly lemurs, into the microscopic world of the pygmy seahorse, and on the hunt … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Article, Candidate, Conservation, Diver, Divetalking, Dolphin, Donation, Earth, Education, extinction, Featured, Lionfish, Manatee, Manta Rays, ocean, Open Water, Orca, Preservation, Products, Promotions, Recognition, Reefs, Reference, Sharks, Tuna, Turtles, Whales, Whaleshark

Submit news worthy event for 1000’s to see

So you believe you have something that is publishable? Are you privileged to new that is currently happening or worthy event occurring in your area that you would like to share? Send your story or news to Our Master Editor will review your submission. Candidates submissions of events and news are reviewed my the Master Editor and any submission chosen is then sent to the Chief Editor. If the Editor in Chief likes your submission, we may contact you for further details and publish your story/news on Subjects submitted should be related to ocean awareness, conservation or local events yet can be any subject if related to water, fresh or salt. For example: Diver finds lost ship, or whales found offshore, turtles begin breeding, and so on. They can be a long time … Read entire article »

Filed under: 3D, Adv. Open Water, Artificial Reefs, Badge, Boats, Candidate, Cave, Cavern, Computers, Conservation, Convention, Dive Planner, Divemaster, Diver, Divetalking, Dolphin, Drift, Earth, Education, Emergency/FirstAid, Events, Expo, extinction, Featured, Fish, Grouper, Indonesia, Instructor, Insurance, Killer Whale, Lionfish, Manatee, Manta Rays, Master Diver, ocean, Open Water, ozone, Photography, Preservation, Products, Promotions, Quiz, RDP, Rebreather, Rebreathers, Recall, Recognition, Recreational Dive Planner, Reefs, Reference, Regulators, Report, Rescue, Rescue Diver, SeaLions, Sharks, Shrimp, Specialties, Springs, Stories, Summit, Training, Travel, Tuna, Turtles, Videography, Whales, Whaleshark, Wrecks

Save Manta Rays – Sign the Petition – Make 2013 The beginning to the end

[singlepic id=838 w=320 h=240 float=center] [singlepic id=836 w=320 h=240 float=center] Save Manta Rays World Leaders making 2013 the year for Manta Rays??? Posted by Greg Heighes (cause leader) Tell your friends about this Share this Note [singlepic id=837 w=320 h=240 float=center] Sir Richard Branson, Her Deepness Sylvia Earle and the Ocean Elders have joined the crusade to protect manta rays in 2013. The OceanElders are trying to get every country in the world to ban the wholesale slaughter of giant manta rays. Richard Branson does “The Manta” On Richard Branson’s personal blog, he explains that in 2013, “our attention will focus on the way we are destroying the ocean”. This is an important year for manta rays. Later this year countries around the world will vote whether to list mantas on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. This will be an … Read entire article »

Filed under: Conservation, Divetalking, Donation, Earth, Education, Events, extinction, Featured, Fish, Manta Rays, ocean, Preservation, Promotions, Rescue, Training

Shark Conservation Sites

  Afri Oceans Bite Back C.O.A.R.E – Shark Safe Isla Guadalupe Fund Monterey Bay Aquarium Oceana Europe Sharks Oceana Sharks Oceanic Defense Pew Trusts Sharks PRETOMA S.A Shark Conservancy Save Our Seas Sharks Shark Alliance Shark Free Marinas Initiative Shark Legacy Project Honduras Shark Life Shark Protect Shark Specialist Group White Shark Trust Wildlife Conservation Society Wildlife Direct Kenya WWF Sharks … Read entire article »

Filed under: Conservation, Featured, Manta Rays, Reference, Report, Sharks, Whaleshark

Shark Research Sites

  Bull Shark Tagging Program Canadian Shark Research Lab CICIMAR Isla Guadalupe ECOCEAN Fox Shark Research Foundation GEERG CA Global Shark Assesment Gulf of Mexico Whale Sharks Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme Mauricio Hoyos Guadalupe Island Monterey Bay White Sharks Mote Marine Lab Pacific Shark Research Center PRBO Shark Research Scottish Shark Tagging Program Shark Observation Network Thresher Shark Project Thresher Shark Project … Read entire article »

Filed under: Convention, Featured, Manta Rays, Report, Sharks

Divetalking looking for experienced contributors

Divetalking is looking for individuals experienced in all things related to the ocean to be experienced contributors to Divetalking. This could be dive professionals who would like to contribute their experiences on techniques, videographers who would like to share their must knows and how to’s. Marine Scientists, biologists, research members and so forth on field observations and studies, artifacts hunters. Any topic that is water and marine related is needed. There are a lot of resources out in the minds of experienced individuals and Divetalking is looking for contributions from anyone willing to spend the time sharing their knowledge and experiences so that others may learn from them. It doesn’t matter what the subject is as long as it relates to our world oceans. With your help and contributions, we can make … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Artificial Reefs, Boats, Cave, Cavern, Divemaster, Diver, Drift, Emergency/FirstAid, Events, Featured, Fish, Grouper, Instructor, Lionfish, Manatee, Manta Rays, Master Diver, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Rebreathers, Reefs, Reference, Report, Rescue Diver, Sharks, Specialties, Stories, Training, Travel, Videography, Volunteer, Whales, Whaleshark, Wrecks

REEF – Making it count – March 2011

Making It Count – March 2011 Putting It to Work: Who’s Using REEF Data, March 2011 By Christy Pattengill-Semmens, Ph.D., Director of Science Every month, scientists, government agencies, and other groups request raw data from REEF’s Fish Survey Project database. Here is a sampling of who has asked for REEF data recently and what they are using it for: – An educator and researcher from the University of Connecticut is using data as part of a field science class. His students will use the data to evaluate fish populations in advance of their field coursework. – A postdoc from the Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce is using data from Stetson Bank in the Gulf of Mexico (part of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary) to evaluate changes … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Fish, Grouper, Manatee, Manta Rays, Open Water, Reefs, Reference, Report

The exploitation of the Manta Ray

What is a Manta Ray? Click on this link R. Aidan Martin and the ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research and spend 15 minutes to read about Manta Rays. Facinating creatures. You may spend 15 more minutes to read on the Biology of the Manta Ray.  These gentle giants are passive and impose no threat to humans. What I am about to describe is occuring in countries all around the globe, Manta Rays are being slaughtered in unlimited numbers. What is being spread is just like the exploitation of Shark Finning, Manta Rays are being killed off for the same reasons, their gills for soup and traditional medicines to the asian continents. We do know that the slow maturation and reproductive cycles are cause for concern. The reproductive rate of the Manta Ray is slow. With the slughtering occuring at rates … Read entire article »

Filed under: Featured, Fish, Manta Rays, Reference, Report, Sharks

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