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Divetalking » Whales

Revolution – A must see. Rent or Buy your copy now

Yekra Player Yekra is a revolutionary new distribution network for feature films. Revolution Revolution is a feature documentary about opening your eyes, changing the world and fighting for something. A true life adventure following director Rob Stewart in the follow up to his hit Sharkwater, Revolution is an epic adventure into the evolution of life on earth and the revolution to save us.Discovering that there’s more in jeopardy than sharks, Stewart uncovers a grave secret threatening our own survival as a species, and embarks on a life-threatening adventure through 4 years and 15 countries into the greatest battle ever waged. Bringing you some of the most incredible wildlife spectacles ever recorded, audiences are brought face to face with sharks and cuddly lemurs, into the microscopic world of the pygmy seahorse, and on the hunt … Read entire article »

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Is it possible? 103 Y/O Orca… Sorry Seaworld.. Your professiona opinion is not accurate

  SeaWorld could be in trouble because of “Granny,” the world’s oldest known living orca. The 103-year-old whale (also known as J2) was recently spotted off Canada’s western coast with her pod — her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. But while the Granny sighting is thrilling for us, it’s problematic for SeaWorld. First of all, SeaWorld has claimed that “no one knows for sure how long killer whales live,” when simple figures or even living and thriving examples — like Granny — can give us a pretty good idea. The Whale and Dolphin Conservation project estimates that whales born in captivity only live to 4.5 years old, on average; many of SeaWorld’s orcas die before they reach their 20s. Perhaps because of their reduced lifespans, the whales are forced to breed continuously and at perilously young … Read entire article »

Filed under: Conservation, Divetalking, Earth, Education, extinction, Featured, Fish, Killer Whale, ocean, Orca, Preservation, Recognition, Reference, Report, Stories, Whales

Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v. Japan: New Zealand intervening) – Judgment of 31 March 2014

  Today, The International Court of Justice ruling regarding Japanese whaling in the south seas is illegal. “Japan shall revoke any existant authorisation, permit or licence granted in relation to Jarpa II [research programme] and refrain from granting any further permits in pursuance to the programme,”  Peter Tomka, International Court of Justice’s Judge said on Monday. Since 1988 Japan has slaughtered more than 10,000 whales. A victory for the whales and all those who stood to protect them. April 2013, Japan announced its haul from the Southern Ocean was at a record low by “unforgivable sabotage” by activists from the environmental group, Sea Shepherd. Here is the link to the findings It chronilogically outlines the compant, and the courts findings. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Alert, Article, Conservation, Divetalking, Earth, Education, extinction, Featured, ocean, Preservation, Recognition, Reference, Report, Whales

California Lawmaker to Propose Ban on Orcas in Captivity

If passed, the bill would be the most comprehensive protection law for captive orcas in the United States in more than 40 years.   By David Kirby David Kirby has been a professional journalist for 25 years. His third book, ‘Death at Seaworld,’ was published in 2012. full bio follow me In a surprising move that is sure to send shock waves across the entire captive whale and dolphin industry, a California lawmaker will propose legislation to outlaw Shamu shows at SeaWorld San Diego. State Assemblymember Richard Bloom, D–Santa Monica, will introduce Friday the Orca Welfare and Safety Act, which would make it illegal to “hold in captivity, or use, a wild-caught or captive-bred orca for performance or entertainment purposes.” The bill would also ban artificial insemination of captive killer whales in California and block … Read entire article »

Filed under: Alert, Conservation, Divetalking, Dolphin, Earth, Education, extinction, Featured, Killer Whale, ocean, Orca, Preservation, Recognition, Reefs, Reference, Report, Training, Whales

Submit news worthy event for 1000’s to see

So you believe you have something that is publishable? Are you privileged to new that is currently happening or worthy event occurring in your area that you would like to share? Send your story or news to Our Master Editor will review your submission. Candidates submissions of events and news are reviewed my the Master Editor and any submission chosen is then sent to the Chief Editor. If the Editor in Chief likes your submission, we may contact you for further details and publish your story/news on Subjects submitted should be related to ocean awareness, conservation or local events yet can be any subject if related to water, fresh or salt. For example: Diver finds lost ship, or whales found offshore, turtles begin breeding, and so on. They can be a long time … Read entire article »

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Argentines plan to shoot gulls to save the whales

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — What began as bizarre bird behavior has turned into something out of a horror film for threatened whales in Argentina, where seagulls have learned that pecking at the whales’ backs can get them a regular seafood dinner. Seagull attacks on southern right whales have become so common now that authorities are planning to shoot the gulls in hopes of reducing their population. Environmentalists say the plan is misguided and that humans are the real problem, creating so much garbage that the gull population has exploded. Both sides agree that the gull attacks in one of the whales’ prime birthing grounds is not only threatening the marine mammals, but the region’s tourism industry as well, by turning whale-watching from a magical experience into something sad and gruesome. Seagulls around the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Conservation, Divetalking, Education, extinction, ocean, Preservation, Reference, Report, Rescue, Stories, Whales

Interpol Issue Warrant For Paul Watsons Arrest

At the Request of Costa Rica, Interpol as issued a Red Notice for the arrest of Paul Watson, founder of Sea Shepherd organization. An organization whose efforts are to save the whales from Japanese Hunting. WATSON, PAUL FRANKLIN Legal status Present family name : WATSON Forename : PAUL FRANKLIN Sex : Male Date of birth : 02/12/1950 (61 years old) Place of birth : TORONTO , Canada Language spoken : English Nationality : Canada, United states   Offences Categories of Offences : Life and health, Fugitives, Life and health Wanted by : Costa rica   Read more at the Sea Shepards web site by clicking HERE Other articles describing the association of Costa Rica and Shark Finning Sharks, Drugs, Lies, and Corruption in Costa Rica February (1992): The Sea Shepherd II and the Edward Abbey depart from Key West, Florida, via the Panama Canal and bound for Cocos Island off the coast of Costa Rica. Upon arrival … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Conservation, Divetalking, Dolphin, Earth, Killer Whale, Open Water, Preservation, Recognition, Reefs, Reference, Report, Stories, Training, Whales, Whaleshark

Blue Whales sighting off California

Have you ever seen pictures of a submarine, while it was underwater? Long and sleek, like cylindrical tubes, blue whales are are the largest animal to be known to live on earth and are the largest mammal in the world. When born, the calf can weigh as much as one ton, gaining as much as 200 lbs a day during its first year. The gestation period for the female blue whale is approx 11 months. Blue whales are found in all our oceans, traveling alone or in small groups. They travel to regions that provide food or nursing their new born, known as a calf. During the summer months, they may be found in the arctic. As winter arrives, they migrate south towards the equator and can be found around the Baja California … Read entire article »

Filed under: extinction, Killer Whale, ocean, Preservation, Reference, Report, Shrimp, Stories, Whales

Show your support by displaying Divetalkings official logo

Show your support by displaying Divetalkings official logo

Displaying the Official Divetalking Logo shows you are committed to marine life conservation, preservation and protection. Contact to have your high resolution logo emailed to you. Display it at your website. Print it on letter head and attach it to emails to let others know you are affiliated with the organization acting as the worlds protagonist in ocean conservation, protection and awareness. Become an official representative today. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Conservation, Dolphin, Earth, Featured, ocean, Promotions, Reefs, Reference, Report, Rescue, SeaLions, Sharks, Shrimp, Stories, Training, Travel, Video, Volunteer, Whales, Whaleshark, Wrecks

Killer whale possibly killed by U.S. military explosion

Killer whale possibly killed by U.S. military explosion

Military tests off Washington killed at least one orca, scientist suspects Some U.S. scientists believe a killer whale that washed up off the coast of Washington last month might have been killed by a military explosion. The three-year-old female orca was a member of L-pod, a group that lives in Canadian waters during the summer months. The killer whale’s carcass washed ashore at Long Beach, Wash., Feb. 11. A necropsy found the marine mammal died from highly unusual injuries. ‘Chances … Read entire article »

Filed under: Fish, ocean, Video, Whales Confirms New Policy to Ban Sale of Whale and Dolphin Products

On March 2, 2012, Divetalking posted Petition Amazon To Ban the sale of Whale/Dolphin Today, Internet giant has now officially banned the sale of all whale and dolphin products from its wholly owned Japanese website, following global outrage that these products were offered for sale. Amazon confirmed the prohibition on its main website by adding language under the Food and Beverage section that prohibits “Products containing shark, whale, or dolphin” and Amazon’s Japanese website contains a similar ban on selling whale and dolphin products. The Environmental Investigation Agency and Humane Society International revealed last month that Amazon Japan not only sold products from endangered and protected whale species, but also products containing dangerous levels of mercury. In response, Amazon withdrew all whale products from Amazon Japan within 24 hours, but declined to … Read entire article »

Filed under: Conservation, Earth, Events, Featured, ocean, Reference, Report, Rescue, Whales

Petition Amazon To Ban the sale of Whale/Dolphin

Last week, public outcry forced to pull over one hundred whale and dolphin meat products from its Japanese site. Consumers were outraged that the world’s largest online retailer supported the killing of whales and dolphins — and listened. But now, is refusing to put a permanent ban in place to protect these animals in the future. Melissa Sehgal, an customer, is in Taiji, Japan — the site of an annual dolphin hunt that was exposed in the documentary The Cove. Every day she is witnessing how dolphins are captured and killed, and she wants to help stop it. That’s why Melissa started a petition calling on Amazon to never again sell meat from dolphins and whales. Click here to sign Melissa’s petition asking to permanently ban whale, dolphin, and porpoise meat … Read entire article »

Filed under: Conservation, Dolphin, Events, Featured, ocean, Promotions, Report, Rescue, Whales

Diver Rescues Killer Whale

A scuba diver in New Zealand diver has rescued an orca, commonly known as a killer whale, he found trapped in a fisherman’s rope. New Zealand media report the whale had become entangled in a rope attached to a crayfish trap off the coast of Coromandel Peninsula. Diver Rhys Cochrane said the whale did not seem to mind when he swam down to cut the rope and said it swam away quickly once it was freed. He said several other whales had watched from a distance. New Zealand orca expert Ingrid Visser watched the video Cochrane had taken of the experience. She said whales are smart enough to know when you are trying to help them. Visser said she could see bite marks on the whale, indicating other whales had tried to free it. Visser … Read entire article »

Filed under: Diver, Events, Featured, Killer Whale, ocean, Open Water, Reference, Report, Rescue, Video, Whales

Application allows one to track ocean wonderers

by Andrea Mustain, OurAmazingPlanet Staff Writer Whither do the great animals of the ocean wander? And when? Thanks to high-tech gadgetry and a decade of work, an answer has begun to emerge — one that has revealed two vast “grasslands” of the Pacific Ocean that rival the Serengeti in the riotous diversity of species that converge there, scientists say. In the largest study of its kind ever attempted, scientists affixed tracking tags to 23 of the ocean’s top predators and spied on their whereabouts — sometimes within a few meters accuracy and in real time — over the course of 10 years. The Tagging of Pacific Predators Project (TOPP) kicked off in 2000, and published its findings this week in the journal Nature. The project is part of the Census of Marine Life, … Read entire article »

Filed under: Artificial Reefs, Conservation, Fish, Reference, Report, Sharks, Stories, Whales

Divetalking looking for experienced contributors

Divetalking is looking for individuals experienced in all things related to the ocean to be experienced contributors to Divetalking. This could be dive professionals who would like to contribute their experiences on techniques, videographers who would like to share their must knows and how to’s. Marine Scientists, biologists, research members and so forth on field observations and studies, artifacts hunters. Any topic that is water and marine related is needed. There are a lot of resources out in the minds of experienced individuals and Divetalking is looking for contributions from anyone willing to spend the time sharing their knowledge and experiences so that others may learn from them. It doesn’t matter what the subject is as long as it relates to our world oceans. With your help and contributions, we can make … Read entire article »

Filed under: Adv. Open Water, Artificial Reefs, Boats, Cave, Cavern, Divemaster, Diver, Drift, Emergency/FirstAid, Events, Featured, Fish, Grouper, Instructor, Lionfish, Manatee, Manta Rays, Master Diver, Open Water, Photography, Promotions, Rebreathers, Reefs, Reference, Report, Rescue Diver, Sharks, Specialties, Stories, Training, Travel, Videography, Volunteer, Whales, Whaleshark, Wrecks

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